View Full Version : Tingling sensation on left arm

09-07-14, 10:13
I've been having this weird tingling (almost itchy) feeling on a specific spot on my upper left arm for a month now.

When it started about a month ago, I thought it could be due to me stretching my arm in an awkward manner to drag my heavy luggage. The feeling kinda disappears after a while, or perhaps I didn't pay attention to it. But about a week ago, it started coming back at the same specific spot. Today, it seems to progress to a dead arm syndrome on my left hand - the kind of feeling you get when you sit on your hand for some time. I've been feeling like this all afternoon after a company meeting.

I think it's due to poor blood circulation, but it usually doesn't last more than a few minutes for me and I could usually attribute it to something I do, e.g. raising my arm for a long time, etc. This time I can't tag it to anything. I suspect it's that tingling spot causing it, but I can't be sure.

I tried consulting Google (yes, I know it's a bad thing to do), but I can't get any good explanations other than stroke, MS, impending heart attack, and all that bad stuff. It's not helping my health anxiety at all.

Has anyone felt this before? I need some assurance...

09-07-14, 10:58
It could definitely be poor circulation, anxiety, or just stress. I get that feeling from time to time myself and it's the worst feeling in the world, but it's usually due to me having poor circulation or it happens sometimes when I am stressed out. The stuff you found on Google usually come with other symptoms and if you aren't having any other kind of symptoms, you should be okay.

I'm not a doctor, so I can only tell you from experience. If it does worry you, going to a doctor would probably ease your mind.

09-07-14, 11:46
I don't really want to return to the GP, I have a feeling he would shrug it off like I'm a weirdo or something.
My left arm seems to feel slightly better now, I just came home from work and it is beginning to feel less numb. I don't think it is anything sinister since I am not experiencing other symptoms like chest pains or numbness anywhere else. I guess it is just my anxiety acting up again. sigh.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one feeling like this though. :)