View Full Version : Have the flu I think... Cue return of anxiety

09-07-14, 12:33
Hi all

Haven't been on here for a while but struggling today!
Been having horrible headaches over the past 2 days... But got back from work yesterday and everything just started hurting :( all my skin and joints and had the most awful headache :( I had a slight sore throat to...

Last night woke up dripping I'm sweat with a headache and dizziness... It really freaked me out and I've never felt this bad...

I've tried getting out of bed today and can hardly walk it feels like my eyes are shaking :( and I have a terrible stiff neck... It's really freaking me out that it's not the flu and not sure what to do :s

10-07-14, 02:27
Lots of fluids and rest and if your worried go see your doctor. When I'm unwell I get anxious too! It sucks!

10-07-14, 03:40
If your neck stays really stiff try one of those pillows which are shaped a bit like a toilet seat :D it might help get rid of the stiffness or readjust your pillows so your spine isn't at a dodgy angle. Hope this helps :)