View Full Version : Really worried high risk hpv :(

09-07-14, 13:46
I have been told today that I have high risk hpv after going for a colposcopy and having a smear taken at the same time.
At the colposcopy they didn't take a biopsy because she couldn't see anything at the time so just did a repeat smear which has come back with low grade changes again and it says on my letter that I'm 'very high risk hpv' but they have discharged me back to my gp and put me back on to routine recall? So I've just been sat here all morning feeling terrified and my partner can't understand why I'm so worried because they have discharged me! I just feel so low and can't stop crying and feel like no one understands or wants to help :(

09-07-14, 15:27
Close to 90% of the world population has at one time or another been exposed to or has/had HPV. It's not a death sentence nor does it mean anything sinister is going on. Being high risk HPV means they keep a closer eye on you and isn't that better then not keeping an eye on you at all?

Positive thoughts

09-07-14, 18:53
I also have high risk hpv. Mine went to cin 3 (which i think in the us is even classed as beginning of cancer). Here in the uk they burned it off and i have had normal smears since. That was 10 years ago. My consultant told me that even if it was left untreated for 10 years only 40% would progress to cancer.
I know lots of people in the same boat and they have all been fine

09-07-14, 20:50
It does sound scary, but after reading a lot of posts about this on my time here and talking to lots of people, it is really common. It seems like as long as you keep up with the appointments that they give you, you will have nothing to worry about.

09-07-14, 21:28
After having abnormal cells removed (cin 4) a few years ago I went for my final yearly smear last August, they found no abnormal cells but HPV so I had to go for a colposcopy. They said everything other than the HPV is perfectly fine and I'm now back to a smear every 3 years and that's with having a past history of abnormalities and actual HPV.

09-07-14, 22:12
Thank you so much for your replies, it's just really worried me receiving the letter today saying that I have high risk hpv & a borderline smear and then having to wait another 3 years to be tested again, is this safe? I was under the impression that if you were high risk hpv they would closely watch you? I just feel like they are discharging me even though I still have an abnormal smear result? :( sorry to hear you had cin4 kirbear I'm shocked that your smear went back to 3 yearly too! X

09-07-14, 22:48
After my first smear it came back high level abnormal changes qnd hpv positive. Paniced
Had biopsy which was fine. Then had lletz treatment to remove abnormal cells. Had 6month check up last month and camr back hpv negative so minimal chance of cell changes.
Now back to 3yearly smears. X