View Full Version : MS. So worried. Don't know what to do.

09-07-14, 18:28
Hi guys,

I'm new here, go easy on me.

I'm so worried and upset I don't know what to do.

I'm going to try and keep this as brief as possible.

My father passed away around 5 years ago as a result of complications of his MS.

For the past few weeks I've been experiencing what I believe are symptoms.

It started with me scuffing my foot on the way home from work one night, and since then I've not been able to take a single step without obsessing over how my righ ankle feels. It feels strange almost like it's not mine when I'm walking. I feel as though if I'm not constantly thinking about it, I'll trip over, though this is yet to actually occur. More recently I've noticed over the past two weeks or so at work that I think I'm making more mistakes when I type, almost as though my hands can't keep up with my brain. And now I can't stop thinking about that either.

I'm beside myself with worry. I'm recently married and should be moving abroad with my wife (we've been living apart now for 9 months or so, waiting for my citizenship to come through for her country), and all I can think is I'm going to be in a wheelchair in a matter of months and I can't get excited about the future. I speak with her every night and have broken down on the phone to her 3 times in the last week due to my worry. It's so hard to keep a brave face.

I saw the doctor and they referred me for a neurology appointment but I could only get one for the end of August. That seems a lifetime away, and the way I'm going now I'm not sure how I'll be able to wait that long, with my literally constant worrying. It's eating in the way of work and everything. I wish I was able to get an appt sooner.

Writing this on the train on the way home, and on the verge of breaking down in years.

Any advice?

Thanks guys

09-07-14, 18:34
I hear your pain, I'm in a similar boat.

All I can say is it's a giant leap from your current symptoms to MS. Try and keep your mind occupied with other things until the neuro appointment, and try and accept if they tell you they don't think it's that.

Also you can always call the hospital the appointment is booked at every few days to see if a nearer appointment has come up. :)