View Full Version : Paranoid I have another UTI :(

09-07-14, 21:46
Hello, I put up about 2 weeks or so I had a UTI and I had anti biotics 9 days ago I got the all clear but, it still burns when I wee and I get so so panicky. My mum tries to calm me down because she thinks it's the anxiety causing things. When I went to the doctors 9 days ago I still had the pain when I went for a wee so they gave me some cream. It helped and then yesterday the burning started again pretty much when I remembered I didn't apply the cream in the morning.. so can this really be caused by anxiety or.. could it still be a UTI even though I got the all clear :( I don't know what to do because of how panicky i'm being. I just want everything to be okay now :(

09-07-14, 22:00
How much water are you drinking? Anxiety can make you wee and sweat more so you should drink more water. Keep off fizzy and caffeinated drinks. Cranberry juice works wonders!

09-07-14, 23:14
I'm trying to drink as much as I possibly can because that's what the doctor recommended. Thank you for the advice! :)

09-07-14, 23:50
I was also going to suggest making sure you are well hydrated. Overly concentrated urine can give you the sensation of a UTI when you are urinating.

Feel better soon.

09-07-14, 23:54
Yep, go crazy with the cranberry! :D

Hope you're ok.