View Full Version : violent thoughts (ie loved 1s

17-12-06, 03:16
Does any1 feel like when they get these thoughts or images that it must b true. or i am this bad person for thinking such a thing,
My daughter is4 ever sinse i,ve been worrying if i,m thinking it IT MUST b true but i no it is'nt. I love my daughter i would d.. 4 her.
I,m 30 yrs old & been worrying sinse i was 9.
please not until 79... THANKS bri
p.s please reply any1[?]

17-12-06, 04:01
what are the thoughts, bri? thoughts of harming yourself or others? or just irrational thoughts about what others must be saying or thinking? Congrats on your daughter. four years old are precious and adorable.
Take care.[:I]


Always expect a train.

17-12-06, 11:00

Welcome to NMP, you will find lots of stuff in here that will help you.

Whilst you havent said what your thoughts are I think I can relate to what you are saying. I have had terrible thoughts at times and have generally been worrying since I knew what worry was!!!

I am happy to chat further in PM if you prefer to talk a bit more openly.



What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

17-12-06, 15:16
The thoughts are always that i,m going to loose control and hit or stab etc, I've started to get them also at work against colleages.
I love my daughter and i really enjoy my job.
Can any1 see the pattern of this, When i get in this state if feels like its going to happen or its true. The fear that your going loose control against my girl & work mates is horrible, can any1 relate to this, THANKS BRI

17-12-06, 16:33
They sound like they could be panic attacks, but I don't really know. I do get these outbursts when I get extremely frustrated and I feel like I'm trapped in my own head and that I'm basically...screwed. I get violent breakdowns but never end up doing anything but listening to music full blast and feeling decent a few minutes later. It might benefit you to have an electric guitar to take your anger out with it, but I have a biased opinion about music because my life revolves around it. Just try to relax more than usual and see if that helps.

My madness, my solace, I am My Own Savior!

My Own Savior-Iced Earth

17-12-06, 20:32
Sounds kinda like O.C.D, have a read in that section. I got these kinda thoughts after a big panic attack where I thought I was going mad, turns out it was just a panic attack, but I still latched onto those thoughts which made them seem very scary.
They are just irrational thoughts but it is hard to deal with them, one of the best ways seems to be to simply treat them as nothing but irrational thoughts, probably caused by anxiety. However, I'm not confident dishing out advice, so maybe have a read around the O.C.D section to see that you're not alone.

17-12-06, 22:22
Hi bri,yes I can relate to you pet.I had the same.I thought I was going crazy until I found this forum and found out it was anxiety and alot of other people here were getting the same thing.;)

Ellen XX

18-12-06, 11:10
Hello Bri. Yes, i have exactly the same thoughts as you but mainly about my 3 year old son and sometimes my husband. Although you know deep down it's to do with anxiety, the thoughts are so, SO upsetting, it does become difficult to keep thinking that. My therapist has given me ways of dismissing the thoughts, ie, put them in a secure container or imagine them as a picture on TV and then the picture goes black and white and then switch it off. Also, i've heard it's good to just accept the thoughts but just completely dismiss them. I sometimes try to imagine throwing the thoughts in the bin. All of these work, temporarily. I have come to realise that the thoughts are to do with something else going on in my life completely, ie, stressful period. I found that this website was amazing as it makes you realise that you're not alone and that many, many people suffer the same things as you do. I'm really sorry that you are feeling like this and i totally relate to you. Vix xx

18-12-06, 11:29
Hello Bri

From reading your post I would say it is OCD as well. I have suffered from OCD since I was a little girl. At the moment it is bad because I got burnout from overdoing it. My OCD thoughts that just won't go away are about harming myself and doing away with myself and the thought just won't go away. I call OCD the snake. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I just want the thoughts to go away and they don't. The thoughts at the moment are not forceful and as strong as they used to be, they are like what I call background noise but still very irritating. I was put on 40mg prozac to help boost the serotonin as us OCD sufferers lack serotonin. It might be an idea to speak to you doctor about going on an SRI anti depressant. I have got relief from it. I was also put on other medication to help with the anxiety that the thoughts have been causing because I was throwing up all the time as I cannot stand the thoughts.

I hope this might help


20-12-06, 22:19
Yeah I get that.
I always get thoughts that I'm going to say really horrible things to people, and I have to really concentrate not to say them I feel like if I don't really concentrate I'll say these things and lose my friends.

08-01-07, 05:28
bri, hi it's brian here. Weird that, eh?

Check out my post on omega 3 it could well be the best fiver you've spent.

Omega 3 - Who else benefits ( I Do ) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=16378)

Also let us into your situation a little bit more. What's happening? How old are you? Been having the feelings long?

Come on back



19-01-07, 11:58
This is exactly my problem.
I don't think its OCD (i'm no expert), it just sounds like anxiety.
Sometimes when I see a sharp knife i'm scared that i'll pick it up and cut myself - or when i'm shaving, that i'll try and slit my own throat. I also worry that i'll go nuts and start stabbing people I love.
I won't though.
I don't want to kill myself. I'd never hurt anyone either!
I know I wont do these things becasue I know whats wrong with me. Its a chemical imbalance in my brain thats caused by me worrying to much.
Its because my brain has reprogrammed itself to be scared of things that aren't scary.
We're all worrying about these things - and like I say, I can personally say for sure - your not alone.
We're not going crazy and we're not ill! We're just worriers!
I know its hard, but try to ingore these thoughts - just regard them as silly and pay no attention to them. You'll forget about them in no time.

I don't mean to sound preachy about any of this - i'm just telling it how I see it and hoping it will help someone!
Steve x

19-01-07, 14:42
hI Bri i too get those horrid horrid thoughts from time to time ,please remember they are just that ...THOUGHTS NOT ACTIONS.I now try and really laugh at my thoughts (for gods sake go away you stupid idea ive got bigger fish to fry mate)Sounds very simple but honest its working for me.Hope you find this site as helpful as we all do
Mazz x