View Full Version : Left Side Feeling Funny :-(

Female healthanxiety
10-07-14, 15:06
Hello All,

Hope your well?

I don’t know what is wrong with me today - I started a new job 2 weeks ago and don’t think the boss really likes me – he has a rather sarcastic personality and I have not had much training since I have been here – rather like I have been thrown in the deep end…………and I feel like I am being criticised for not knowing the stuff. I am quite smart – have been an office manager in my last 4 roles – and just finding this unusual.

Anyway – back to how I am feeling – I do not know why but am feeling like I am trapped, I am in a small office with my boss and 1 other colleague and just feel really weird… my left arm feels numb and of course I am thinking that I won’t see through to the end of the day! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh – I finish at 5.30pm, which feels like ages away……..

Replies would be appreciated please………….. Just really on the edge of asking to go home xx

10-07-14, 15:17
Well that sounds like classic anxiety and stress symptoms to me... Hopefully if you ride it out, it should ease off... Can you go out for a walk to grab some fresh air and a drink?

With regards to work, are you on any kind of probation period, or due a catchup with your boss to analyse how well you are doing after your first month or so? If so, then perhaps that would be the ideal time to clarify just what is expected of you and for you to (constructively) voice your concerns about how you are being treated and the amount of training vs expectation you currently see.

Hope it works out ok - be great to hear how it goes :)

10-07-14, 15:18
Don't ask to go home. Your anxious that's all. And your boss... maybe that's his way, maybe your being sensitive or maybe he is just a d**ck - it happens.

Female healthanxiety
10-07-14, 15:39
Hello Anxiety DJ – Thank you for responding. I hope they do clear up – have so much to do after work – drop my car to the garage, do the shopping as have nothing in… feeling so tired in the mornings am really struggling to get up!

Hello Luc - I really feel like going home - feel like all eyes are on me -- Just do not feel like I cannot adapt!

10-07-14, 19:05
Did you stay at work Hun?
I'm sure everyone likes you and you're doing great.. I started a new job three months ago and have been convinced everyone thinks I'm terrible and doesn't like me ever since my anxiety kicked in around 6 weeks ago... I text my mum saying I thought I was going to get sacked and lost sleep over it but yesterday I had my probation meeting and passed with flying colours :)!!
When were anxious we perceive everything more negatively and assume everyone is acting a certain way due to us when really, they're probably wrapped up in their own stuff to even realise they're upsetting anyone else!
Keep at it lovely and you'll settle in fine :) xxx

Female healthanxiety
11-07-14, 10:53
Hello Fj2014,

Yes I did hun -- do not ask me how!! The clock went so slow and just terrible to be honest.

I did receive a text message from my boss later that evening apologisising for his bad mood during the day..... which I suppose helps somewhat!

I am the same - I feel like I do not fit in at all and have normally just fell into jobs beforehand with ease....

WOW - Congratulations!!! See how the mind makes us think!!!!! But I do know what you mean...
