View Full Version : Health anxiety very high :(

10-07-14, 18:30
I can't stop this worrying obsession with HA, like many others! I hate feeling like this and want to feel normal!

My latest worry is my leg! For about a weekthe top of my left thigh and Into my groin is a burning sensation. Its sensitive to touch but really no pain JJust really annoying and is off and on all day. But nothing relieves it.
Seen two drs this week and both say trapped nerve. The second one said go back in two weeks if no better or worse. Then it will br mri. So again im worried.

All I keep thinking is its not going to get better and I will have to go back. I can't keep thinking like this its driving me mad.

Also I'm now into my second week of 50mg sertraline.


10-07-14, 23:06
trapped nerves are annoying to say the least! You deserve some pamper time! Have a good hot bath with salts and bubbles, candlelit and maybe some nice to eat / drink and relax!

So even if it didn't get better, what then. You prepared for the worst, living with the worst. So it will be better than you imagine!

wishing you speedy recovery and i will eat my hat if you don't bounce right back agian very soon ;-)

11-07-14, 09:24
Bath doea not help and I can't help but think you'll be eating your hat

12-07-14, 11:24
This is still playing on my mind. Ibuprofen isn't helping! Now I have what seems to be a startof a cold....but my mind is reeling through all the real life mags I've read and is still thinking the worst! Help!!

12-07-14, 13:49
Heather1 don't worry. Im sure its nothing. Im actually kind of surprised about them pushing a brain mri for this as it seems localized and on off. If it would be getting worse day by day maybe then but i still would not believe anything in brain.

Also i think the start of the ssri medicine is the cause, it can cause burning and tingling sensations and you are still so early on it. This could be side effect of it. Either that or just regular merve pain as your dr said.

Take it easy, it will subside im sure :)

13-07-14, 11:00
Thanks jub......but I've noticed that the muscle on my inner left thigh seems a bit bigger than my right. That is were the point of pinching burning starts then goes up to the top of my outer thigh. Also can ut itch?