View Full Version : Eek help please?!

10-07-14, 20:12
So I've not been on here for ages and I've been trying to put all the stuff I learnt into practice - no googling blah blah blah
Anyway this isn't bout me - my bf has been diagnosed with oral thrush and the doc mentioned HIV to him, now he has only been with 2 people long term partners including me but never been tested so he's going to go now, but it's really panicking him - do you think the doctor was a bit harsh to bring that up since he's 'low risk' as such now he has to panic for a week and so do I!

I must mention too it's very mild OT and he had to take lots of antibiotics in january and the white bits been there since then it's only now I've forced him to the doc!

Any reassurance would be great xxx

10-07-14, 22:59
that's a raw deal, but remember until it is proven its a all clear ;-) take each step as just that, a small step. Doc's seem to like to over egg things as much a google! Hang in there and don't count your chicken before they hatch!!

11-07-14, 02:03
You can develop oral thrush without having HIV, so the doctor may have jumped the gun on that one a little. Does he smoke? Smokers have a chance of getting it. You said that he was on antibiotics, some can definitely cause you to develop thrush. I would actually bet that is how he developed it.

11-07-14, 09:21
Personally I think the doc was slightly prejudiced because his parents are from Africa but so what they have lived here nearly 30 years and are healthy and he's grown up here!
So how is he higher risk than a white guy who goes on holiday to magaluf and sleeps with 10 girls unprotected - seems a little backward to me.