View Full Version : Am I going crazy??

10-07-14, 20:47
Help!! I feel like I'm imagining diseases!! For two weeks I had awful bowel movements and lots of bowel cancer symptoms, then ovarian - both of these were ruled out by a scan yesterday!
Since then I've been freaking out about a blood test as by WBC was slightly high in my last one now I'm convinced I feel woozy and have achey bones and signs of leukaemia! And that I'm getting a cold coming on so they're bound to be up agin tomorrow but in reality if I felt as 'ill' as I think I do I would have passed out hours ago!
I also have a swollen gland under my armpit which I'm getting scanned next week - when I think about it I swear it aches!

Is this normal with HA sufferers??


10-07-14, 22:09
Yes, completely normal! As soon as I stop worrying about one disease I think I have, I get new symptoms making me think I have something else. :)