View Full Version : anxiety and panic has came to visit me again :0(

10-07-14, 21:41
Just wanted to say a quick hello,
I have suffered with depression, anxiety and panic attacks now for around 20 years on and off. For the last 4 weeks i have recognised my symptoms coming back. Thought I would try this site for help

10-07-14, 21:54
:welcome: to NMP snowflake :)

10-07-14, 22:24
Hi Snowflake.
Do you think it is something that has triggered it off again or was it a gradual increase over a period of time? You must be quite annoyed, because Life is so different without Anxiety and we all get Anxious about the Anxiety coming back after it has gone.

10-07-14, 22:50
Welcome to the forum snowflake... Hope you can find some help and reassurance here :)

11-07-14, 00:16
Hey there, nice to have you aboard :) I've gotten a lot of good advice that's changed my life both from the information available and the users so I fully recommend it!

11-07-14, 09:17
Thank you everyone, I think it has been building up in me for some time, my 16 year old son has aspergers syndrome and got severely bullied at school so I home educated him myself for 5 years with no support. This year he has been in a specialist college and I've been very lonely :weep: the beginning of this year my husband was involved in a car accident, he ran someone over, everything is ok with the man involved but for 3 months we have lived on our nerves, not knowing what the future will bring. Then we discovered a family friend, a 91 year old lady has been getting financially abused by her carer. I have had to step in and involve as many professionals as possible, we have had to change our family lifestyle to help her out. We have had to go to numerous meetings (which make me very nervous) and provide a mountain of emotional support for her as she has no immediate family. 3 months down the line my husband gets a threatening phone call from one of her distant relatives telling him to stay away, they are looking after her now. They are there every day but this woman who now goes tried to take money off her 2 years ago. I have reported this to the appropriate people and I have had to take a step back. I'm exhausted. Now my anxiety symptoms are on their way back and I feel panicy and teary, I have had a head ache and a tingly cheek for 3 days now, I've convinced myself it's a stroke! I'm at the drs today at 10 to 12. Sorry for the long post.

11-07-14, 14:24
I am back from my Dr's. I am suffering from migraines. Phew! I need to stop myself panicking as much. Any advice would be very welcome :yesyes:

12-07-14, 00:44
Glad to hear you had good news from the Docs. Although the Migraines are trying to tell you to get more rest. No wonder with what you have been going through recently. But because you are a kind and caring person, you probably put your own needs at the bottom of the list.
This has to stop, you can't change who you are and that makes you the nice person you are, but you have to take time for yourself. Set aside a daily time, no matter how little, for you. Otherwise the Mind will overload and send you a warning, like now, in the form of a Migraine.
Stop panicking about things that are out of your control, there are enough daily stresses to deal with in Life. Take up Yoga, go for a walk somewhere nice, treat yourself to a nice lunch; but do something to counteract the bad stuff. :)