View Full Version : Why Do I Have So Much Fear Of Dying Or Being Ill

10-07-14, 21:58
Hi, i am a anxiety suffer where it effects my daily life. I have so much fear inside of me. It scares me to think will i ever be able to overcome it. I have a fear of dying, pain or being ill, it effects me alot im convinced im gunna die at a young age, i can walk out of my house thinking im never gunna come back i imagine scenes of being hit by a car or stabbed i seem to be Gettin worse..
I hate the thought of.dying and leaving my daughter or her finding me dead, i just wanna talk to someone who has overcome this or is goin through the same or similar

Ive started cbt im on my 2nd session but both stopped as i couldnt handle talking about which led to several panic attacks.

10-07-14, 22:04

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

10-07-14, 22:16
Welcome, MajorWorrier,

I also suffer from Health and Death Anxiety. I have learned to manage the Demon by firstly going to my GP and having lots of blood tests to check me for everything. (That will clear your Mind a bit from the worrying). I do relaxation with Music, Yoga and breathing exercises. I see a Therapist every week, who listens, advices and gives me tips to relax the Mind. And, for me, the most important one, is to adopt an attitude with the Symptoms and not think it is a heart-attack, Cancer or any other Disease going. Let the Symptom wash over you, like it is not there and it will go away. It is not easy to do, but you have to be in a don't care attitude and it helps if you keep yourself busy with stuff to do.
I know I am making this sound all too easy, but it is working for me. You have to change your lifestyle as well. Try not fuel your Anxieties with food and drink that will make it worse. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, and some time to yourself. Do something every week that you can look forward to do that will make you happy. Don't give yourself extra pressure and stress with too many jobs to do.
Most importantly; DON"T GOOGLE your symptoms and don't get lets of books from the Library telling you stuff that will upset you.
There are lots of people on here with good advice and feel the same as you.
You won't cure over night, baby steps and you will get there.
Something in your Life may have triggered this off for you and it has had an affect on you that has brought you in to this state.
It was good you were doing CBT as it has a very good recovery rate and I believe that it is now available on this Site. Hope this helps you a bit.:)

10-07-14, 22:25
I know my anxiety is all in my head but i cant shake the feeling. Its so hard i want to lead a normal life ive been suffering for years i just thought they where stages but i got worse and worse i get up 7 panic attacks a day no one gets it though they think im a hypochondriac and being dramtic its so humiliating friends dont come out.with me incase i show them up im physically and emotionally drained.

10-07-14, 22:38
For me anxiety had become not just a part, but the axis upon which my life rotated. I will not lie and imply a fantastic cure, but like most things it can be a gift or a curse!

So, firstly what has helped me. Well, where to start! Its a rather long story but, even if it helps slightly it is wotlrth it!

For me seeing the doc's only enhanced and extended my issues. By having test you only give you self peace of mind for a few day or hours. On this front belive in yourself, the human will to fight on is what make us, well us!

Its easy to find religion as a "cure", the it didn't matter cause god... Blar blar blar method. But for me I ask too many questions and don't except old books!

Put it a simple way, what happens if, so you find a lump, what happens if it is cancer. Does the earth shatter like a mirror, no a small crack appears and you want to get off this ride and back to the good old days... Well, well the good old days you where living in the I am dead phase, due to undiagnosed cancer, heart, mind, blood issue. If you identify when you having an attack, or bad moment you will be all the better for it. Learn to laught at the, so today I have four near heart attack, one cancer scare and a bug bit that could have killed me! Oh, and try project meditation, even the free one is great!

I've been in you position since I was 13 and it was just a phase according to the doc's. Anxiety is like a cat, somethimes it scratches you when it should just purr! :-)

10-07-14, 22:41
Are you taking any Medication? It's ok if you are not, I don't, but some people find it helps them. I do think you probably need some help with Therapy in some way. The other thing is to cry. If you feel that way, let it go. My Therapist said all the emotions have been stored up for too long and encourages me to cry and not hold back. :ohmy:

10-07-14, 22:50
major worrier, your better than "normal" anxiety will drive you to new experiences, will make you plan and think for the future and live for now. It the body trying to protect you, let it and it will calm itself. Winters where bad for me, worried I would get a cold, sickness etc. But I survived. I make myslef step out of the comfort zone. I was and am an introvert, but in a busy street you can be anyone. Be that guy, if you enjoy musicals, like I do, sign even at the traffic lights, sound up full, like a Gary boy, windows down. If you like singing sing! Hopefully the points in there somewhere!

11-07-14, 08:12
I take medication ive been on it for six months i take 30mg proxetine and 80mg 3 times a day of propanol. Which stops my heart thumping to hard :( i can still overide the tablets but it masks it sometimes.

Female healthanxiety
11-07-14, 10:43
I am the same..............

I worry about worrying ----------- for goodness sake!!!

I worry about people around me, and then I worry about myself - it is never ending......... It's like my brain is not satisfied unless I am constantly thinking about something....

I know you take medication -- but have you thought about meditation - It really is not hard - download an AP called Calm on your phone.......... It works miracles for me when I feel like this


11-07-14, 19:17
i do use meditation for when im going sleep to stop the thoughts of anxiety going through my head but it makes my heart thump really hard so i find it hard to relax im hoping in time i will learn to calm my self but sometimes i really cant help... i hate the feeling of an attack cause the after math can carry on for hours espesh the next day i have a awful feeling sometimes like somethings not right something bads going to happen its weird but no one i know suffers anxiety so its hard talking about it my cousin suffers from depression and health anxeity but we dont really talk about it with each other as it sets us off

11-07-14, 19:25
Why? Because you fear the lack of control.

12-07-14, 00:35
Notcool, you have hit the nail on the head. It is something that we have no control over. This was pointed out to me by my Therapist. Could possibly be linked with OCD as well. We have to learn to chill out more, but that's the tricky bit.:ohmy:

14-07-14, 20:44
I am exactly the same :weep: I wake up in the morning worrying and I go to bed worrying that I'm going to wake in the night struggling to breathe.

My major worry is that I'm going to have a heart attack at any minute :-( I get pains in all the right places for it to be a heart attack......pains in my chest, left arm, right arm, jaw, neck. It's taking over my life!!! I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for years now on and off and I had CBT a couple of years ago and I was a lot better after it. But they've creeped up on me again and I just wish I could accept that all these aches and pains are just muscle tension from being so anxious all the time.

I have had an ECG test done not long ago which came back normal. I promised myself that I would stop worrying if it came back normal......I'm still waiting for this to happen :mad:

I have 3 boys who are all fantastic kids - they're 9, 7 and nearly 5. I wish I could just enjoy life and stop worrying all the time!!!! I am also happily married and I don't like to complain all the time about my aches and pains to him, so end up texting my mum!! She reassures me however I still convince myself it's a heart attack!!

I really hope you manage to get over your health anxiety and your fear of dying. I am trying really hard but not getting very far :-/ xxx

14-07-14, 22:14
Major worrier, we fear death like we fear other things we aren't familiar with. We know about life, but death is a mystery. I believe we were created and that fear of death is a normal emotion to help us take care of ourselves so we can keep on living. Our Creator wants us to live. One day, however, we are going to die and then what. Well, as a believer in Christ, I believe death is just the beginning of the rest of our lives. Just as Christ died and came back to life, i believe that I will only die physically, but spiritually I will live on forever. It also makes so much sense to me. I am reminded of the four seasons; spring, summer, fall, and winter. Our infancy is like spring, our adolescence is like summer, our adulthood is like fall, and our elderly years are like winter. Just like the spring(new growth, new birth) always comes after the winter(dying, death), I believe new life comes after death. Just like morning always comes after the night, new life comes after death. Everything in our world and universe is so perfectly ordered and the one who created it all cares about us so much. This brings me much comfort. I wish you the very best and hope that soon you will find relief and comfort from these fears. Blessings!