View Full Version : Tingling!

10-07-14, 22:25
Does anyone get tingling all over their face, like tongue and cheeks when anxious? I get flushed then tingling when in an anxious situation! Does anyone know what causes it? Really annoying cos sometimes when im in an anxious state it makes me worry that its something more!:shrug:

11-07-14, 04:59
Yes. I get a tingly sensation in my hands/feet whenever my anxiety is through the roof. My tongue, too. I suffer muscle spasms on top of that. It's a very irritating symptom and it also stirs my panic up because I over-think what might be causing it and I always come to the conclusion that it must be something life-threatening......

How long has this symptom bee cropping up? For me, it's been years..

11-07-14, 07:30
For me i think its been happening since February! Ive always had anxiety but something triggered it and made it worse then the weird sensations started and the tingling. Its very annoying isnt it! Im on citalopram too so i dont know whether medications can cause strange side effects.....To be fair though anxiety has amazed me at how many weird and horrible things it can make our bodies do! Just shows how our brain has more power over us than we know sometimes!