View Full Version : headaches, on holiday scared

10-07-14, 23:37
Hi I am on holiday atm and do feel my h/a has come back really worrying about everything but since last week had a headache on and off mainly on its from forehead over top of head everywhere really its more like pains in head all over and all head feels bit sore to touch feel really anxious and tense jaw and neck where hurting but they have calmed abit its the head feel like I can't relax with it and just worrying its something really serious please if anyone has any advice only other symptoms are bit of upset stomach very slight feeling sick but think that us more from the anxiety thanks toria xx

10-07-14, 23:57
Try not freak out, it sounds like a blip and could well go by tomorrow. The jaw and neck is caused by muscle tension because you are getting uptight. Get a good nights sleep and try not to worry. When you go to bed, gently rub your stomach area in a circular movement a few times and that will ease and relax your stomach, which is the heart of the Anxiety. Sleep with you hand on your stomach if it comforts you, it works for me.:)

11-07-14, 00:08
You might just be dehydrated if you're somewhere warm, are you drinking enough? (juice, water, tea, etc)

11-07-14, 01:14
Hi thanks for replying I am just in this country on holiday but has been warm maybe I'm not drinking much will try increasing what I drink thanks, I have tried to sleep and dozed of for a short time but woke up now with a upset stomach feeling and feels headache has settled on the right side top of head feels like right in head if that makes sense woke I a real panic as well I just want this to go away and be nothing so scared thanks for replying toria x

Female healthanxiety
11-07-14, 10:46
Don't worry Toria...

Just keep telling yourself that its the stupid anxiety making you think about things....

When you are on holiday you have less distraction then you would do if you was back home.... so therefore you have more time to think about things.

Chill, relax, enjoy the scenery because I presume this time next week you will be back to the rainy UK??!

Headaches are so common - could be anything from the flight, travelling, tired, dehydration, thinking, thinking, thinking!!


11-07-14, 14:40
Don't know about everyone else but when I'm on holiday, there's some expectation on myself that I should be having a good time, relaxing etc. After all, holidays are few and far between. Even if I'm just loafing around home, I should at least be relaxed. Unfortunately, this is a time when my mind tends to wander the most. You know what they say - "the devil makes work for idle hands". The same applies for minds as well. Everything you described points towards anxiety pains as you seem to suspect. If you don't have something to distract your mind from it, you're probably going to give it more attention than it deserves.

11-07-14, 15:18
The more you focus on your symptoms the worse they are. Try and relax. I know its impossible trust me!!!!!

12-07-14, 18:32
Thanks so much for replying it did improve the following day I tried to distract and not think about it thanks xx