View Full Version : Leukemia fear, all real symptoms

11-07-14, 13:29
Hi all, im 19 and Im living in constant fear of deadly diseases first hiv now leukemia, I had to get tested 4 times for hiv before I finally believed it. Now I have just about every symptom of leukemia and Im afraid to wake up every morning because Im scared that I will experience another symptoms. It all started with a small blue bruise on my forearm I noticed after my shower about two months ago, I kind of wiped it with my towel and it went away(weird) my mom said it probably wasnt even a bruise. THen a couple weeks later i experienced a gusher of nosebleed in the shower where I saw the blood between my toes, thats when I knew I had something wrong, the next week I experienced weakness in arms and legs for about 4 days straight, I thought It would never leave, then after that I thought I was experiencing discomfort in my spleen area behind my ribs and I havent had an apetite in ages, So i literally grabbed my skateboard and ran to the ER to get them to examine my spleen, and to my surprise the doctor said "I Can feel your spleen" . "But its not swollen" "its normal" but I still feel it and when she told me to take deep breath I didnt take the breath as deep as I could so could I have caused her to miss something? Im very scared and I know how it says you get frequent infections with L-word, my little brother had viral pharyngitis and now I have it, sore throat, neck pain, glands, but no fever, someone just help me please, I go to see my Primary Doctor next week

11-07-14, 14:59
It does sounds as though all of this is classic anxiety... With some of the actual things you had happen - e.g. the nosebleed - you can take those (and practically any) symptoms and make them fit to a whole host of illnesses if you really want to. There are a lot of people on this site who suffer from health anxiety (me included), so we understand how horrible it can be to think you are ill, when it really isn't the case.

The best thing I can advise is to ensure you see a medical professional asap and explain to them your worries and concerns and let them check you over. These are the people to believe - they really would not tell you everything was ok, if that wasn't the case.

I hope you start to feel better soon - good luck :)

11-07-14, 15:12
No, you do not have leukemia. You cannot wipe away a bruise. When you see your gp explain that you have these symtoms and im sure a cbc will rule it out. You are fine.