View Full Version : Odd feelings in face making anxiety high

11-07-14, 17:25
I know it's stupid - when is it not with anxiety?- but for a few days now I've been occasionally getting this odd pressure/fullness and then a fizzy tingling sensation in just one of my nostrils, usually accompanied by an ache in my jaw. Logic and reason tell me that it's probably my sinuses or hayfever, but that naggling little voice in the back of my head is telling me that it might be something serious.
I end up checking that my face isn't drooping or looking odd for a good half hour, worrying about the lasting tingling sensation in the end of my nose and trying to pick out other odd feelings in that side of my face :weep:
I don't want to go to the doctor, due to the fact that the last time I went, my mother carelessly bought up the fact that I often suffer from health anxiety, and I don't feel they take me seriously there anymore...

Has anyone else ever experienced a sensation like this?? What did it turn out to be??

Miss worry
16-07-14, 23:11
Hi there I too have had that tingling in my nose then it appeared in different places. I honestly think this is anxiety and its best not to Google these symptoms as I have diagnosed myself with ms. My health anxiety is terrible so I know how you feel :hugs:

19-07-14, 00:57
Tingling sensations int he extremities (including tips of your nose and lips, and even cheeks) can be due to hyperventilation. People with anxiety tend to breathe much faster than normal (hyperventilate) without even realising. Sometimes it becomes normal to them. This reduces the amount of oxygen sent to the extremities which can result in numbness or that tingling sensation.

If it is something that worries you it is a good idea to get it checked out by a gp. It may very well be a sinus infection/hayfever which could be easily treated with some medication or antihistimines.

19-07-14, 01:00
I have a sinus infection right now and have the fullness/pressure feeling in my face and sometimes tingling.