View Full Version : overhydration?

11-07-14, 17:26
I've always been anxious about dehydration and I get nosebleeds sometimes in the morning or when drinking which I've always thought were related to being dried out - but I regularly drink approx 4litres of water a day now and am anxious that I'm overhydrating... Annoyingly both have similar symptoms but overhydration can also cause sudden um... Occurrences, which I do not wish to happen to me. Anyone else had this, is 4 litres a day a little to much or way too much?

11-07-14, 17:34
As far as I know, 2L/day is the average dose for a healthy adult, UNLESS you do activities where you sweat a lot.

So yes, 4L seems a tad overkill to me. :P

11-07-14, 17:42
I think that is the guideline too, have always tried to hit that, but have not taken into account tea etc, i've only really added it up today, and to be honest I'm finding it quite alarming :-(

12-07-14, 00:45
The whole 2L/day thing is a general guidline. But some people naturally require more and some people naturally require less. Factor in exercise and body habits and this further alters your daily requirements.

I think it's better to think of it in terms of time - so how much of this 4L you are drinking AT ONCE. If you're just having the 4L across the day it probably isn't going to be a problem. However, if you are drinking a LOT of water over the course of an hour, that would be more reason for concern. I think the general medical concencus is to avoid drinking more than 1L of fluid in an hour. Apparently your kidneys are only able to excrete about 0.8L-1L of water per hour. So if you are drinking more than 1L per hour you could start to have overhydration complications.

If you are concerned about the amount you are drinking and whether it could cause harm it's probably best to chat with your GP or even a pharmacist may be some help if you can't get in to see a GP. They probably have a much better understanding than you or I with our general knowledge :)

12-07-14, 12:06
Thanks anthrokid, I will start checking the amount I drink over an hour first, but I can probably still reign it in a bit, I think I drink out of habit more than thirst sometimes.

Will see how it goes and perhaps talk to my gp later.

12-07-14, 12:44
I'd agree with NotKill 4L is a bit overkill my GP said that although 2L is the general guideline this is not necessarily enough and that we should aim for 3L a day. Same with 5 fruit and veg a day she says it should be 15 a day!

12-07-14, 13:55
You'd have to drink an awful lot of water to truly over hydrate and do it in a short period of time. You'd probably throw up before you'd get to that point anyway. I have compromised saliva production due to radiation treatment and drink copious amounts of water. I sometimes drink a liter with dinner to help swallowing my food. Other than too many bathroom trips, it hasn't hurt me at all ;)

Positive thoughts

13-07-14, 20:24
Thanks guys, that has put my mind at ease, I've never felt weird about drinking lots of water until recently - but I think it increased quite gradually and has become something of a habit at work - i think perhaps I will downgrade to a smaller bottle and only fill it when I'm actually thirsty.