View Full Version : Psychiatrist, what to tell in order to feel better?

11-07-14, 17:36
Good afternoon, I've been seeing a psychiatrist lately, I feel like I want to tell her everything I feel, and all the thoughts I'm getting because once I say them I feel I'm free, but I fear she's going to judge me negatively and stuff, I get many disturbing thoughts and I don't know how much we should talk to our psychiatrist, and whe would we be judged negatively... Last session she told me these are normal post traumatic and anxious thoughts, but I keep thinking what if she thinks I'm weird, plus since the psy writes everything in a file I feel I'm doomed forever with these things written about me

11-07-14, 22:46
show her this post

11-07-14, 23:05
It might be easier as you get more used to meeting with her. She can only help you with what you present to her. So if you hold back, she can't help you with that stuff. I think if you really want her to get the most accurate picture of what you are dealing with, you have to tell it like it really is.

She is not going to judge you. If she does, she shouldn't be a psychiatrist!

12-07-14, 11:16
You tell them EVERYTHING!... there is nothing they have not heard before. I have had years of therapy and if you really want to get better then take the opportunity you have been given and "engage" fully.

Tell him/her this joke to break the ice....

"How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?......
...one but the light bulb really needs to want to change!":D


12-07-14, 15:45
Psychiatrists are more understanding than you think. They have studied psychology and psychiatry for years and they will have studied and listened to all sorts of thoughts and stories. They will never judge you, they will use professional and sound judgements on what could be causing your anxiety (or whatever) and other what they can to help.