View Full Version : angina pains DR won't listen

11-07-14, 17:58
Hi guys

I don't know if it's my health anxiety raising it's ugly head again but I have been having really bad angina pains and the doctors just won't listen to me :weep: . I keep getting chest and back pain and pain in my ear and jaw with shortness of breath. I have had a few ecg and blood test done at a&e all come back normal but I know ecg does not show angina so I think they are missing it. I am very scared and don't know what to do grrrrrr

11-07-14, 18:38
There are tests that can be done for angina but the doctor won't order them unless he feels it is really necessary.

Chest pain is very common with anxiety as well.

If you get chest pain when exerting yourself then it could be angina but there is no way of knowing without further tests.