View Full Version : I have anxiety when it comes to anything that could effect my future.

11-07-14, 22:13
As the title states. I am always concerned about what something may do to my health in the long run. It's an on-going concern. From the food I eat, to the car I drive it, I am always panicking.

I come here to ask a question though about one of my panic attacks I've been going through.. I had this battery in my car that recently started to leak acid in my center console. I have been driving around with it in there for weeks.. I am panicking because I believe that since i was driving in a closed car with a battery that was leaking, will lead to me getting some sort of lung disease or cancer because of the chemicals i was breathing in.

If this is not a worry to me tomorrow, something else will.. its a constant battle .... Does anyone know if I could be at any risk?

12-07-14, 08:50
Anxiety is always about the future. Always.

12-07-14, 15:43
I highly doubt a leaking car battery would cause problems. If it did I think it would be more documented and precautions would be put in place to protect driver and passenger i.e. 'leaking battery' alert on the dash board.

Anxiety can be about the future, although I would not say 'always' as I have had worries about the past. Why don't you speak to your doctor for some CBT or counselling that could help with your anxiety?

12-07-14, 17:57
It's subtle but anxiety is always about the future. Thinking about the past can be nostalgic, empty, or sad, never anxious. You are probably thinking about the past in terms if the future. In other words, youre probably worrying that what you did, or what someone else did, and what that means for you (or someone else) in the future.

Im not saying that to be right but because it's really important. Really seeing that anxiety is about the future lets you see that it's your thoughts that are creating the anxious feelings not the actual situation you are in.