View Full Version : On The Edge

17-12-06, 12:59
Just wondering what peoples pet hates and dislikes are? Always worse when we are "on the edge"

Here are three of mine:

1.Smokers in a resturant
2.Shopping in busy supermarkets
3.People who don't indicate when driving.

yours, Victor Meldrew:([Ugh]

17-12-06, 13:08
Not sure if this shouldn't be in the humour forum but...............

1. Smokers in public places...roll on the ban
2. Inconsiderate drivers...period
3. TV talent shows!!!!! X factor...my 4rse!!!

Sincerely Jim Royle

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

17-12-06, 13:14
Urmm, people. End of LOL

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

17-12-06, 14:55
definitely supermarkets (I have an incredible urge to push people head first into freezers!!)

people who eat noisily with their mouth open (sorry but it drives me MAD lol!)

impatient and inconsiderate drivers (particularly the ones who think 'queuing' doesnt apply to them and try to force their way in front of you, despite the fact that youve been sitting in the damn queue for hours...and then they toot at you for not letting them in....AAAAGGHHHHH

mmmm...do I sound a bit mad lol??

Coni x

17-12-06, 15:04
my top 3

1. People who throw litter
2. People who throw litter out of their cars
3. People who let their kids throw litter


17-12-06, 15:09
Firstly, Kate that made me laugh - :D:D:D:D:D:D

Now my top 3

!. Dog dirt - makes me heave every time and you never know when a leaf could suddenly turn into dog dirt either!![V][V][V][V]

2. Queuing - I always want to shout 'hurry up bast&*d's (don't normally swear very much either [:I])!!

3. Call centres - need I say more!!! [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

Piglet xx

17-12-06, 15:44
{1} people eating loudley {2} the worst peoples knife or fork banging on plate when eating.

17-12-06, 16:28

People who just stop dead in front of you when your walking along arrrrrrrrrrrh
People who talk up at the end of their sentances ....
and TEXT TALK...argg my 14 year lod is always doing it..I hate mobiles generally...

17-12-06, 16:39
Oooh yes Mooks I had forgotten the talking up at the end of sentences that makes me want to 'explode' - it's so exhausting to listen to isn't it.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-12-06, 16:48
- People who claim to be depressed but really have no idea what it feels like
- Wimpy songs
- Posers in the music industry (i.e. Green Day, Disturbed, etc.)
- People getting near you while you are eating, especially when they get close to your food!!!
- RAP MUSIC!!! I HATE IT!!! IT HAS NO MUSICAL VALUE AT ALL!!! (sorry if I offended you, but its a fact that I hate it.)
- When little kids bawl in a foreign language because they can't get the toy they want!!!
- When my cat wakes me up in the morning and just leaves when I wake up.
- When my computer freezes up and I swear to kill Microsoft.
- When people call me...belligerant...
- People that get onto me for not being organized. I have a friend that shakes his head at me like he's my dad when he knows I forgot to do my homework and I feel like chokeslamming him.

*This is fun*

- When people mis-pronounce names. My grandmother calls a road "Whippie Avenue" instead of "Whipple Avenue" and I just laugh.
- When I get over-frustrated for not writing the perfect guitar riff, I get too mad to "just express myself through music." I end up suicidal for the rest of the night over it.
- How everything in the USA is made in China.
- Restaurants that don't even have paper towels in them. I try not to touch anything without a towel in my hand, but we have to "CONSERVE TREES" by using the hand drying crap.

I'll have to think of some more things today, I have millions of triggers. As of now, To Be Continued...

My madness, my solace, I am My Own Savior!

My Own Savior-Iced Earth

17-12-06, 16:55
1. Shoppers who straddle their Range Rover over two parking spaces when they are only going for a pint of milk

2. People who block aisles in supermarkets so their trollies can have a conversation with each other.

3. Sales callers who are not calling to sell you anything; it's just that they are totally bored and fancy a chat about life insurance.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-12-06, 17:03
Okay, I took a 30 second break.

- People who say that I'm not "Metal"
- People that get sarcastic with me when I am actually respecting them
- Getting ripped off. I bought a GuitarWorld magazine last week so I could learn some new guitar techniques I could use. The CD said that I needed "Quicktime 7 or above to watch the videos." I downloaded Quicktime, and wasted close to 3 hours downloading it. It still doesn't work, and I have to pay $23.00 to download the version of Quicktime just so I can get what I bought the magazine for, the CD. This is what makes me want to befriend Kim Jong Il!
- When you put coins into a vending machine and get the wrong item. I also get lucky from time-to-time though. I put $0.80 in the machine for M&Ms and also got Skittles free! But again, for every action there is a reaction. The damn repairman came and fixed the machine. I hate him!
- My Spanish teacher. This goes back to the "People being sarcastic" idea. I can be paying attention and trying to learn what the ***** is talking about when she jumps all over me (not literally, thank God!) for not copying the notes down. "Remember, you signed up for this class and whatever I'm writing, you should be writing." She also assumes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TOO MUCH! If she doesn't see my notebook because my binder is in the way, "It's kind of hard to write in your notebook if it isn't open." I can never tell if she's talking to me or not, but she needs to be fired...and to learn how to use common sense. I learned more Spanish from a friend than her, anyway. Viente al Inferno. I'm going to tell her that one of these days as a simple request. I took a tape recorder to prove how crazy she is to my friends, I have her singing a Christmas song like a 1st Grade teacher on it.
- People who make up stories to get attention. My keyboarding teacher is suspended from teaching because some girl made up a story about him sexually harrassing her, and none of the students believe her. She's pressing charges against him so she can get popular. She's going to be in for a surprise when she gets back!

My madness, my solace, I am My Own Savior!

My Own Savior-Iced Earth

17-12-06, 18:02
1 people who let there kids and dogs run about near the road
2 people who feel the need to fight or argue in the street
3 people who park on pavements
4 I hate shops especially clothes shops where u have to walk thru tiny gaps bewteen those round clothes hanging racks
5 supermarkets where they move stuff around so u cant speed in and grab what u want and run
6 supermarkets that have 6 tills and a person on only one or two of them while there is a huge long que stretching to thend of the shop .
there are quite enough unemployed people to work those tills , do us all a favour and employ them, im sure i am not the only person who would be greatfull.

Granny Primark
17-12-06, 19:19
Miserable supermarket checkout assistants.
Waiting ages to get served in a cafe or restraunt
Drivers not indicating
Smoking in public places
and finally
My hubby when hes constantly looking in the mirror checking his hair!

17-12-06, 21:28
Sorry Lynn, that's me too, ...... always checking my hair .... oh the shame of it ! lol[:I][Sigh...]

18-12-06, 04:28
1. People who talk LOUDLY while on cell phones in public places (I really don't want to hear about Uncle Bob's prostrate problem - lol)
2. People who call me "dear". EWWWWWW
3. The neighbor that stops on my drive EVERY morning and let's her dog poo!!!!!!!
4. Freakin - The newest teenage American word that I hear over and over from my daughter.
5. People who chew gum loudly or with their mouths open - I'd say chewing like a cow but that would be offensive to the cow!!!!
6. Shops that started selling Christmas stuff and playing Christmas music before Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. My husband's belief that the words 'fine' or 'whatever' will ever put a stop to an argument - lol


18-12-06, 09:28
people who say'i know how you feel!!!'..being overtaken on a bend ROUND A PARKED CAR!!!!!!BY 'HEY LOOK AT MY BIG FAST CAR'......NOISY EATERS....!!XXXXXXXXXXXXX

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

19-12-06, 21:34
1) Little ol' ladies with shopping bags on wheels that have built-in 'ankle radar'[B)]

2) Pregnant women who smoke [xx(]

3) People who take their children shopping in crowded town centres. How would you feel if you were three feet tall surrounded by giants? Said kids will probably be full of anxiety and posting on NMP when they are grown !! Sad :(

GG [:P]

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

22-12-06, 21:47
1. People who don't accept me as I am
2. People who try and tell me to get a life
3. People who judge me without getting to know the real me

........life is for living not just for surviving

23-12-06, 02:46

-my mother saying frickin', one its freaking and two your 45 years old and have been reading books quite a long time; can't you think of another word?! If she reads this I'm so dead...
-people interupting(is it interrupting or interupting? oh well) me or anyone else=I have a whole thought!
-people asking you a question and not letting you get the answer out.
-folks abusing animals
-people who make you feel bad about yourself

Okayyy got a little too into this..... maybe I'm too critical??? Mmmm...Nah!:D

Ohh cfury-let it out don't hold back your feelings! ;)

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-You are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

27-12-06, 09:15
OK, when I am REALLY anxious my pet hates are:

problems at the till
being put on hold on the telephone
a long wait in the Doctor's or Dentist's waiting room (arghhhhhhh)
an early morning appointment (now I'll never be able to sleep)!
waiting for someone to turn up when they are late

I have loads more pet hates, these are just the things I hate when I'm already trying not to panic!!! :(

shoegal xxx

27-12-06, 12:18
this is a good thread.

1) Noisy people in the cinema

2) My husband being late for everything

3) Husband and son not being able to find anything thats further than the end of their nose.

4) Work hasssling you and making you feel guilty when your'e off work.

Linda xx

29-12-06, 02:53
I'd say
1 Car parks (I do without rather than drive in circles for hours)
2 Inconsiderate people in general
3 Cruelty to animals.
PS I'm a smoker but try to be considerate to others

Don't believe everything you think.

29-12-06, 02:55
Forgot "reality" TV
GRRRR! Hate, Spew, Vomit LOL

Don't believe everything you think.

29-12-06, 14:54
People with bits of food round their mouths
Waiting for buses
People finishing your sentences for you

and many many more

i am very easily irritated im basically a **** when im in a bad mood