View Full Version : Hello everyone xxxx

12-07-14, 08:15
Hi everyone,
I wanted to take the time to introduce myself on here as im really hoping to meet some lovely people who can understand what im going through.I suffer really badly with health anxiety particularly concerning sti's and d's,thats the big fear im currently going through :( Im 31 and i am feeling very alone right now,hence why im reaching out.Would love to get to know and talk to people who can relate to me :)
Vicky xxxxx

12-07-14, 08:17
Hi serendipity
Welcome to NMP! :)

12-07-14, 08:28
Thankyou very much darling xxxxx

12-07-14, 09:11
Hi serendipity

I recently joined the site a few days ago. Everyone on here is extremely welcoming. They make it so easy to talk about your issues.

Helen x

12-07-14, 11:15
Thanks hun,thats so good to know because im in such a bad place at the moment :((( Thanks for the reply xxxx

12-07-14, 12:46
Hi SerendipityFlower,

I myself joined last night and people have been very friendly so far, it is nice to be able to speak to people who are going through similar problems and not having to worry about being judged. I am in a similar postion as you, as I am unable to really discuss things with the people around me. If you ever feel low send me a message anytime. All the best. :)

12-07-14, 13:03
Thankyou darling i will do that xxxxx

12-07-14, 23:43
Welcome SerendipityFlower,

I was a former Health Anxiety sufferer, I am now just left with Death Anxiety and General Anxiety and severe phobias.
I overcome my Health Anxiety by getting checked out through my GP for EVERYTHING! And I agreed to believe him that nothing was wrong with me. Anything I feel now, I put down to Anxiety. It's hard to do, but it was the only way of calming the Mind. :)