View Full Version : Do you ever look back at your old posts?

12-07-14, 11:59
Just wondering cos I had an anxiety provoking situation this morning so came on here for some reassurance I thought about posting asking for help because I wanted people to reply and be like 'oh it's fine don't worry....' but I don't think this is a very helpful cycle so I looked to posts I'd already started under the 'search' button and there is a post by me maybe a year ago when I was in the same situation so that's kinda comforting :)

12-07-14, 12:47
No not really when ever i post i leave it there without going back (aside from any replies),as for me going back and re-reading old posts would mean i was not concentrating on going forward if that makes sense.

I tend not to do anything by half which is my down fall at times.:D:D

12-07-14, 13:35
Vicky I think that in many circumstances it is very useful.

It can also be good to see how far you have come as well.

Well done for not getting sucked into the cycle of re-assurance.


12-07-14, 13:47
While it can be a double edged sword, I think it can be a good thing. For some, it can be a huge wake up call. That fear of illness, panic attacks, other fears and worries etc.? How long have you had them?

I often look at a post history before replying. Sometimes it needs to be pointed out. Some fears have been persistent for years. If that doesn't open your eyes and provide motivation to seek help and get the Dragon under control, what will? Other times seeing someone making progress and pointing it out is much better than re-assurance.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
12-07-14, 14:15
Ive suffered with HA and claustrophobia most of my adult life...the word claustrophobia when wriiten down never sounds like its a big deal but it seriously limits how you live your life believe me lol! However, the power of HA seems to have diminished as ive got older although hasn't left me completely, but the difference is that I no longer seek out answers for it, or post threads to ask advice about it..I much prefer to give advice to others. I've come to accept my anxieties are what they are and I am who I am with them. So in that way its a kind of recovery I guess, and I don't look back at my older posts.


12-07-14, 14:39
I do find that looking at back at my old posts often provides answers. I find that I have experienced some of the same feelings and physical manifestations that are worrying me. It has given me the reassurance that I got through that situation successfully and that I will get through it again. It also shows me exactly how far I've come.

12-07-14, 15:33
My first posts go back 10 years ago when I was at school getting bullied and having to tackle it all alone (along with panic attacks and depression). Reading back on them will only make me feel low, resentful and hurt. It's not worth it.

Catherine S
12-07-14, 16:29
Wow Rennie, just realised you must have been one of the first members of nmp? Good that you're still giving your time and advice :)


12-07-14, 16:50
I think I joined some months after NMP was set up. I've only been giving advice the way that I do for about a year, so I'm a living example that tackling anxiety and depression takes time, patience and determination. But it is those experiences and learning curves that makes me give out a lot of tough-love advice ;)

13-07-14, 09:51
wow this is really interesting to hear other peoples views, I can totally understand the other side of the coin in terms of the negative effects of rereading.

13-07-14, 10:03
I never go back and read them,I feel that,that was then, and this is now,and they've served their purpose.
Ive never really though about it till now,but I'm glad I feel this way,as it seems really positive to me,to be forward looking.
Thanks for the opportunity to discover it.:)