View Full Version : Panic attack is ruining my life

12-07-14, 19:30
I had panic attacks four years ago then had baby boy for 2 years my life was amazing but now I started up again I can't drive my son to nursery because I'm so scared I don't wanna lose my partner and because of it my partner thinking about quitting his job it's just ruining everything and don't know why I've got them back my life is great not worried about anything . My partner thinks it's because I drink every week ;/ please some1 help me before I ruin my life

12-07-14, 22:58
Panic attacks are generally a manifestation of heightened anxiety, maybe you feel life is good but your subconscious is telling your nervous system there are reasons to be anxious? Either way I hope you're feeling better by now.

18-07-14, 03:04
I also hope you feel better.

I drink to deal with my panic too. It just adds to the problems. It's self-medicating and it's very common, but it's not the answer.

I also fear driving my kids to school some days.

You need to ask for help. You can beat this. We all can. Make a GP appointment and discuss how you are feeling.