View Full Version : is it possible to rupture the veins/arteries in your arm through blunt force? scared

12-07-14, 21:47
me and my friend were roughhousing and i went to hit him back and i slammed my arm over the back of the chair really hard it really hurt and my arm kinda slammed back and forth with the impact. (i guess i deserved that huh)
i felt a popping sensation and now im super scared ive ruptured the veins in my wrist and im going to internally bleed to death! (is that even possible)

thee's no discoloration or swelling but im so scared I've severed something in my arm.
what should i do?

12-07-14, 22:23

I would think if you had done any serious damage to your arm, you would be in a lot of pain, also it probably would of discoloured or swollen up.

If you are still feeling very anxious thinking you have caused some serious damage you could ring NHS Direct and ask for their advice, they could put your mind at rest.

Take Care


12-07-14, 22:58
I've been given dead arms in the past and my arm is still attached and healthy. Your body is much tougher than you think and you would need a VERY heavy blow to do any damage, and you're more likely to break your arm than to rupture an artery or vein, which are deep inside the arm.

13-07-14, 01:21
If you did it would have swelled up gone red and be hot and painful to the touch. Like rennie said its pretty easy to get a dead arm. Last night I feel asleep on my arm and when I woke up I couldn't feel it I had no sensation at all and it went all floppy, in a way i know what it would feel to have a paralysed arm, if you had a burst vessel you would know.