View Full Version : burning insides

12-07-14, 23:46
I'm having a panic attack, and my stomach feels of, right and as if all my insides are burning.

I'm having an ´im scared I'm going to be sick´ moment, I have severe emetophobia.
Burning is not a panic symptom fir me usually, is this normal for anyone else?

Please help !!!

13-07-14, 00:23
Anxiety can cause acid reflux, which can be felt as a burning uncomfortable feeling in your abdomen and is basically heartburn.
Or you may be experiencing symptoms of mild hyperventilation which can mimic heartburn symptoms (such as chest pain) and is also common with anxiety.
Neither of which is harmful by the way. I take lansoprazole from my Gp as I have reflux issues.

13-07-14, 00:25
I think it could be reflux.. I just ran out of gaviscon today, had peppermint which has mildly alleviated symptoms, at least enough for my rational mind to take over a little.

Thank you for your reply :)

13-07-14, 00:40
You're welcome, I'm pleased your feeling better and captain rational has taken control of the ship. G'night.

13-07-14, 10:53
Just checking in to offer a *hug* and hope you are feeling much better now with JustJay's great advice and your own rational brain kicking back in again