View Full Version : terrified about smear test/cervical cancer

13-07-14, 01:35
Hi everyone, i am 27 and a half and ive never had a smear but i have decided i need to have one as it will hopefully put my mind at rest. I have just finished my period so is about then ok to have a smear? Im not worried about the smear but i am terrified of after waiting for my results. Im so scared i might hav cervical cancer. What are the chances of them finding something serious? I dont have any bleeding or pain or discomfort down there but i cant help but worry about it. I just hope i havnt left it to late. Any reassurance for me?

Love Louise xx

13-07-14, 09:52
Every woman from the age of 25 to 60-something gets the smear test and the vast majority get the all clear. Like you, I will have my first smear test soon and I can understand the anxiety of the results. The best thing you can do is go in, talk to the nurse about your worries and get the test done. You cannot stop yourself getting the test done because of the fear of the results, because you are more likely to get an all clear at your age and, if there are any issues, it will be picked up at the very early stage and treated with no problem.

14-07-14, 17:56
Hi. Thanks for the reassurance. I meant to book it today but just couldnt do it as im so scared that when i get the results i will go to bits. Hopefully i can book it this week sometime. You do get the smear test done at the doctors surgery? I just know i will probably get an abnormal result or even worse i might have cervical cancer?

Love Louise x

18-07-14, 04:59
You will be fine, if you dont have ANY symptoms, dont asume that you have any dissease, just see it as something that has to be done as any other check up in your body. I did mine a month ago and what I have learnt is that the more relaxed you are, faster and less disconfort during the process. Keep us updated :) :D

20-07-14, 20:20
You will be fine, I had my first one last year just before I turned 30. It was over in seconds and results came back all clear. No fuss whatsoever.

22-07-14, 06:03

I would read this. Very informative and keeps those fears in check.

22-07-14, 11:56
Actual cervical cancer would be extremely rare in someone your age and if your smear was to come back showing abnormal cells they can be completely eradicated.

The whole reason that you have a smaer test done every three years is that abnormal cells can't develop into cancer during that time.

Or, to put it another way, as long you get tested regularly, your chances of actually developing cervical cancer are virtually zero.