View Full Version : Panic attacks and self harm

13-07-14, 09:28
I am going on a summer enrichment course for 2 weeks. I have had problems with panic attacks, self harm and anxiety, depression , health anxiety and possible OCD. I have already been put on medication which has helped with these issue but I find I am still struggling with these issues. I am scared that I may have panic attacks and as it is around people that I don't know, Im scared how they will react and if they will all think im weird. This is making me more anxious. I have also struggled with self harm since I was around 12 so for about 4 years now and although at first the scars healed, recent replapses have left me with horrible red scars on my arms that wont fade. I also have them on my leg. I have already been told that you aren't allowed to wear long sleeves ( we are doing actvitys that would be dangerous with long sleeves) and im scared about it as I don't know what peoples reaction will be and im nervous that no one will like me or want to talk to because of my scars. Im getting so anxious and worried and im scared that this is going to cause panic attacks :(. Ive tried covering them up with makeup but they are too bad and there are too many for them to be covered well. Im also worried that if people notice my checking behaviours for example checking my arm that they will think I'm crazy.

I just wanted to know about peoples advice on going to places were people don't know about your mental illness and how do you deal with panic attacks and self harm in these situations?

13-07-14, 10:07
The anticipation of doing something that we think might make us anxious, give us attacks, or make us look weird is usually far worse than the actual event we've wound ourselves up over.

Don't let the fear of other peoples judgement of you hold you back in life, because in the end it doesn't really matter what other people might think of you, it matters what YOU think of you!

With all these fears you have, you've summoned up the strength to do something like going on a course, that doesn't make you a weird person, it makes you an incredibly strong person and you should be proud of yourself.

When you're there, if you feel anxious about the situation, or if you feel like people are looking at you strange or judging you, just tell yourself you don't care because you know you're strong for even being there in the first place.

It'll be ok, let us know how you get on? :)

15-07-14, 13:58
Thank you for your help. I will keep you updated on what happens :) x

25-07-14, 15:37
I've come back, and it was a great experience. People generally didn't seem to care about the self harm , and I even had people come up to me saying that they have been through the same which made me feel so much better. The anxiety was bad at points and I did have a panic attack but the staff were really helpful and stood with me until I calmed down. It had also helped me come to terms with my illness and push me out the comfort zones of my anxiety. Thank you for your help and advice as it really did give me some confidence and support :)