View Full Version : Can't escape Christmas!

17-12-06, 16:06
OK, its nearly Christmas and once again my anxiety is really bad - it's the same every year.

I don't actually have that much to do in preparation for it all, I have posted all my cards, bought all the presents. Children don't feature in my Christmas and have rarely done so, and since I'm not religous and don't have many people around me, I try and treat 25th December as much as any other day, or perhaps as any other bank holiday.

But I can't. There's no escape!

I have two lunchtime get togethers this coming week and I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to cope with them as I'm so stressed with sleep deprivation. No doubt brought on by the thought of it all!

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the reinforcement of friendships when I receive Christmas Cards from special people, but I just can't handle wall to wall Christmas. Sometimes wish some of the Christmas things could be done at other random days throughout the year to make life easier.

I know its the anxiety and depression that is causing me to say these things - I used to enjoy getting all the pressies for my ex-girlfriend's three children. But my life is different now and they are out of the picture.

Sorry to rant, but I need to say this. Thanks for listening.

Does anyone else feel the same?



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-12-06, 16:27
Hi Ray,

Yes I do. I think Christmas is stressful for everyone even for those without anxiety. There is just so much to do for some and then for others so many obligations to meet such as your get togethers. I honestly don't know why we wait for this one time of year to try to cram it all in. Everyone spends too much, wears themselves out and some overeat. I do have the Christmas spirit don't get me wrong it just seems overwhelming to me at times and every year I feel my back pressed against the wall wondering if I will get everything done. I truly don't think this is how it is meant to be!


"Our thoughts are our reality"

17-12-06, 17:05
I have a total love hate relationship with Christmas - there are lots of lovely aspects to it that I heartily enjoy (festive packs of pringles for one :D) and the things to do with the kids etc etc and all the corny stuff.

I do try to be sensible and not get stressy but I find it really hard and like you hun my anxiety is bad at this time of year too and usually takes until January to settle back down.

There is such an air of expectation isn't there that we must all be cheery and gathered round a log fire, sharing presents and nary a cross word is spoken.

I laughed last year as I heard one neighbour say to another outside 'did you have a good Xmas' fully expecting the other neighbour to say 'lovely thank you dear', as we all usually do. Instead she said 'No it was shjte' and then went back indoors!!!:D:D

At least she was honest :)

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-12-06, 19:08
Hi ray,I find christmas very stressfull.We always have alot of arguement throught the year in our house,through lots of family problems.at christmas we all have to play happy families and put up a front.I hate that.Usually Im pretty anxious as well,so that doesnt help.

Ellen XX

17-12-06, 19:15
Hi Ray,

Hugs for you. As the others have said Christmas is stressful enough without anxiety. We all here for you. xx

Take Care


Granny Primark
17-12-06, 19:26
I find that we put too much pressure on ourselves to make Christmas day perfect and if everything doesnt go to plan wer absolutely gutted.

Take care

17-12-06, 20:28
I know exactly how you all feel becasue I feel the same. My psychologist said just to try and treat it like any other day and you will probably feel a bit better :) I was very anxious last xmas and I am this year aswell but not as much. There is no law to say that you should be happy on Christmas Day or any other day. Its a day just like any other my psychologist wrote that down for me (im paraphrasing it) and I read it every day. Its making me feel better :D

18-12-06, 08:54
I don't so much feel like that about christmas but I do about New Year. I hate the celebrations, I hate people you don't know coming up and hugging you, I hate the drunkeness (you get a lot of that in Scotland!) I hate that people expect me to feel the same about celebrating as they do.:([V][}:)]:(!!!
I have this thing about dates. I can't get myself excited about dates, anniversaries etc. When I was growing up, I only remember New Year as one loud drunken party after another, my parents falling out, me just desperately wanting to go to bed but couldn't sleep for all the noise and the neighbour from across the road always trying to kiss me!
So, I can relate to your christmas, even if mine is a different day:D
I usually volunteer to work New Year but as I'm off sick, that is not an option this year.

18-12-06, 09:22
Hi Ray,

I do feel trying to escape Christmas is a problem, unless you move to say Iran for a couple of weeks!! The relentless bombardment from the end of October for 24 hours is ridiculous but you are nearly there now...this time next week it will be pretty much over and the holiday ads will be more prominent on the tv etc!!!

What p*sses me off the most is trying to do all the get together stuff in a short few days when we have a whole year to do it, but there is little we can do about that.

Best advice is try to embrace what you can deal with and make sure you have enough personal treats for the 25th to make it special for you. A few years ago I ended up spending Christmas on my own for a couple of years, the first was awful, but the second I sorted out some movies and books and stuff and had a really relaxing day completely on my own when I knew that the majority of folks were stressing thyemselves out on cooking sprouts.

Take care Ray....you are most certainly not on your own on this one!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

18-12-06, 16:19
Hi, well as you well know I feel exactly the same about christmas this year, I have lots to do with having a big family but the hardest thing is to say to them Im not meeting over Christmas, I cant buy what i usually buy, I cant attend church,Im not inviting people over, I want to do what I need to do.
The day itself was going to be hard enough as it was without finding out my ex is coming for tea!
I have just spent a while in bed ill with what I presume is the pressure of it all, the lack of sleep etc, but lets all look onthe bright side,,,,,Without wanting to be a Bah humbug I just look at the calendar and think this time next week the hardest day will be gone.
