View Full Version : Lump phobia

13-07-14, 16:28
I have a phobia of lumps & lymph nodes which I'm sure loads of people on here can relate to! After being obsessed with harmless breast & armpit lumps for several months, I FORBID myself from feeling or checking & did loads better. I'm terrified of lymphoma/leukemia :|

I'm 20 weeks pregnant & my lower tummy & pelvis are covered in moveable little lumps that range from pea size to long & thin, or like beans. Dr said they would be fatty tissue lumps as lymph nodes aren't there. She admitted it's a bit weird & really unlucky for a lump phobe like me but I'm very skinny so I can feel more.
Trouble is I've now got some slightly bigger, more noticeable ones near my groin, about an inch & a half from the groin crease :( moveable & longish. I'm trying to convince myself they're not lymph nodes. But I'm terrified & I've gone spiralling back to my very worst health anxiety. Convinced I'm dying of cancer & will never know my second baby. How do I get out of this :(

13-07-14, 19:55
I have a phobia of lumps & lymph nodes..... How do I get out of this :(

Speak to your doctor about counseling, CBT or one on one psychotherapy. It would be beneficial to learn ways to counteract the catastrophic thoughts and negativity. After your child is born, meds may help as well.

Positive thoughts

14-07-14, 00:00
I have these lumps too in my armpits and all over my abdomen mostly, Lipomas, I remember when I first found them freaking out and running scared and crying to emergency room. Took me a long time to accept that they weren't something more sinister. Some are big, small and also bean shaped like you described. Some of mine can hurt sometimes im not sure if its placement of them ie under ribs or if its because nerves are running through them, its mild pain but enough to remind me they are there. I hate them! Im guessing the ones in the groin area are also exactly that but if concerned about them just have them double check at your next appointment so you can get that reassurance :)

14-07-14, 14:22
I am a lump phobe as well! Whenever I find them, I freak out. Its a lot to do with media I think.

I am currently on 2 hard lumps in my neck, one on each side, exact same place, same feel, same size but still scaring me. They fell hard as bone, don't hurt but seem attached to my windpipe. I keep reminding myself that if it was cancer, it wouldn't be the same exact on both sides, same exact.

I still freak out.

I had a lump in my breast I had biopsied even though the doc told me it wasn't anything to worry about. Well I still worried. I also have lipomas (soft fatty deposits) one on my arm, one behind my ear. Those freaked me out at first too. Ugh! So over this crap!

I feel your pain.

14-07-14, 17:11
Fishmanpa, I've been on waiting lists since April & still waiting for October. Finally had to accept I'll be needing to find the money somewhere & pay for private CBT as I just don't want to wait any longer.

It's definitely a media thing I agree! I'm popping into walk in centre tomorrow to check the ones nearer my groin aren't lymph nodes. Thing is, I know there's a chance they are & that it still doesn't mean anything at all sinister. Could just be pregnancy changes. But I can't cope with the doubt. I have such a phobia of lymph nodes that if I'm told it IS them tomorrow, even if they don't feel dodgy, I'll be completely terrified! :(

Oh & I've had the bone-like neck lump too. I've forbidden myself from touching as it's not grown at all but for a while it made me a wreck :|

14-07-14, 20:42
Those hard "bone like" things on either side of your wind pipe are most likely the hyoid "bone" ;)

Positive thoughts

16-07-14, 13:48
You just made my day Fishmanpa! Thank you xox :)

16-07-14, 15:42
There's a FREE CBT course HERE (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665). It's proven to be quite effective to many people.

Why not download it and start working on yourself now?

Positive thoughts