View Full Version : Banged my head very worried

13-07-14, 19:44
I'm really frightened at the moment. I did something very very stupid during an argument with my boyfriend. I got so angry I headbutted my cupboard door. I sort of fell back a bit afterwards. I gave myself a fright. I didn't lose consciousness or anything but felt dazed for half a second. I've been a bit headachey since. Im now petrified ive caused major damage. Should I go to a&e? Pleasw help. Very scared and don't know what to do

13-07-14, 20:07
Our heads are a LOT harder than we give them credit for. I'm sure you'll be fine sans a bruise and/or lump. Have to tell you... the visual of you intentionally banging your head was "interesting" to say the least.

It wasn't "THIS" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hps7d5Avivk) kind of head banging was it?

Positive thoughts

13-07-14, 20:17
Haha Fishman! That was hilarious. And actually yes, at around 00.50 was a good depiction of what happened...but without the music and just the once. Ha!
I am freaked out though. I stupidly googled and all that stuff about Liam Neesons wife came up and that head bangs should be investigated :( I do have a little sore bump and a bit of a headache. Did it about 4 hours ago. Am I overreacting? So annoyed with myself!

13-07-14, 21:46
I've hit my head various times in the past, I'm a very clumsy person and fell over a lot as a child on my head! Anyway, the worst time I got hit on the head with a steel bar and it was such a blow that my vision went black for about 10 seconds. I was a bit dizzy and dazed from it and got checked for concusion but it was all fine! Did have a thumping sore head for a while though. If it's not concussed then it's not damaged enough to be dangerous. You'd have known by now if you got concussion too!

13-07-14, 23:16
Thank you Kimberley.
I'm still a bit worried but trying to rationalise that I'd probably feel quite unwell by now if it was serious? X

13-07-14, 23:47
Yeah I'm pretty sure you'd be feeling quite un well. Put a cold cloth on your head if it's hurting and by tomorrow you'll hopefully be able to see that it's all fine. Skulls are pretty hard, if you saw the football tonight then heaps of players got blows to the head and they are all ok, or will be! Bodies are amazing at healing, try not to worry :)

14-07-14, 00:27
Yeah I did see that actually! My dad was a footballer and said he used to get cracked in the forehead all the time. Sort of reassuring! Thanks again :) xx

---------- Post added 14-07-14 at 00:27 ---------- Previous post was 13-07-14 at 23:56 ----------

I'm a bit scared to go to sleep incase it's bad. I know this sounds mad but should I set an alarm for every hour? Bit panicked

14-07-14, 09:29
Although the night has now passed, in the future, if there is something wrong your body will most likely wake you up if something is wrong! Hopefully you have woken up today bright and refreshed and feeling much better! Yes?!

14-07-14, 10:44
I woke up feeling a bit better but the spot on my head that I hit is so sore to touch! I can feel it throbbing if I lean or bend down. Not sure if that's normal!? Can't believe I'd be so silly. I'm hoping it'll feel better later on. Thanks for replying xx

14-07-14, 16:36
Hi again.
Do you guys think something would have happened by now if it were bad? It was 24 hours ago now.

14-07-14, 16:45
Yes! Of course a bump is going to hurt the next day, especially if you put pressure on it. It might even hurt for a few weeks while the bruise heals. Like remember when you were a child and got a big bruise that took a while to go? If you're extremely worried then get it checked by the doctor but from what you've said then to me it sounds like if something catastrophic was going to happen to your head to make it swell up and cause brain damage, you'd not be counsious now. Trust your body it knows what it's doing! And it would let you know if it needs help.

14-07-14, 17:23
Thanks again for replying.
I'm getting into a panic again. I don't know whether to go to a&e. I have felt a bit sicky and a mild headache. I don't know if its anxiety or not because I've been very on edge. It has been over 24 hours so I'm trying to tell myself I'd have at least one very bad symptom?

14-07-14, 20:43
Thanks again for replying.
I'm getting into a panic again. I don't know whether to go to a&e. I have felt a bit sicky and a mild headache. I don't know if its anxiety or not because I've been very on edge. It has been over 24 hours so I'm trying to tell myself I'd have at least one very bad symptom?

You're fine I'm sure. By now you would know if you really had hurt yourself.

Positive thoughts

14-07-14, 21:07
Your fine don't worry don't waste a n e time

14-07-14, 21:13
I think you are fine since this much time has gone by, but if worry is making you sick, then have it checked out. Hugs!

14-07-14, 23:46
Thanks for these replies. It's been a while since I've been this obsessed and frantic. So upset with myself because this was completely self inflicted.
Could I be imagining headaches? I'm still worrying I should have got checked even though all my family say something would have happened by now. Infact they're getting a bit angry I keep asking and talking about it. My boyfriend says he was punched in the temple a few weeks ago at rugby, and that yes it really hurt but he was fine. My brother said he tripped over a few days ago and banged his head on the radiator and that he too had a bump, but never thought anything of it other than 'ouch'. But I keep thinking well, my bang was worse. Why am I so frightened when they weren't? Would I have been ill by now? Sorry for asking over and over. I'm just very scared and for me it's always worse at night.

16-07-14, 00:18
Hi again,
Could anyone help? I'm still very anxious and have been stupidly googling and read somethinh about people banging their head, being fine then something awful happening two weeks later. Is this true? Im so scared

16-07-14, 10:58
Sorry for repeat posts. I don't know whether to make an emergency appointment. It happened a few days ago

16-07-14, 14:46
i'm sure all is well, but if you need reassurance, see your doc for an x-ray. recently, one of my daughter's friends slipped and fell on a concrete court while playing basketball. she hit her head so hard that she blacked out for about 20 seconds. she was taken to the hospital and x-rayed and other than a concussion, she is fine. her head did hurt for more than a month and she has gone for regular check-ups and she is fine. try not to worry, but i know that is easier said than done. :)

16-07-14, 16:45
It happened Sunday. This is Wednesday. If there was something seriously wrong it would been evident by now C'mon LF... It's a bump on the head and you've gotten a couple of pages of re-assurance. Time to move on ;)

Positive thoughts

16-07-14, 17:00
Thanks for these replies.
You're right Fishman, but I got myself so worked up I've made an emergency appointment at my GP. I'm going in half an hour. Terrified incase she sends me for a scan.
This is a huge relapse for me. I cant say how disappointed I am in myself.

help me 21
16-07-14, 17:01
it was 24hours ago. somethink would of happend there and then. iv had an argument with my niw expartner he headbutted me i went to the floor. felt dizzy was quite bad afterwards had a banging headaches for hours. i was fine just had paracetamol

16-07-14, 17:10
LF87, instead of being disappointed in yourself, tell yourself how strong and sensible you are for having a head bump checked out. that is really the smart thing to do. we are all here for you and can reassure you, but at the end of the day, we are not living in your body and therefore we don't really know how serious your injury is or isn't. you also don't need to think of this as a relapse. you made a bad choice by banging your head (it didn't hurt your boyfriend, it only hurt you) and now you are getting it checked out. sounds perfecty sensible to me. :)

17-07-14, 11:24
Thanks for these replies.
The doctor basically said that yes she'd expect more symptoms if there were a problem, but to keep an eye on the headaches. She said it was very 'unlikely' for anything to happen, but monitor how I'm feeling. So as you can imagine, this has done pretty much nothing in terms of reassurance. She's not my normal doctor and thoughg she was a bit short. She didn't refer me for a scan though. Should I be taking this further? I don't know. Everyone around me is telling me I'm being stupid and that I'm fine. But I genuinely do feel headachey. Do I go to the hospital? Or treat this as HA?

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 ----------

Can anyone help :(

17-07-14, 11:29
I think the doctor would have sent you to hospital if they thought it warranted it.

The hot weather isn't helping and a lot of people have headaches from that too

17-07-14, 18:11
I'm trying to stay calm today but struggling because I am still having headaches. Could I be imagining them? Or bringing them on?

17-07-14, 19:57
LF87, you aren't being stupid. your head is sore from an injury. rest assured that it is nothing serious or the doc would have ordered more tests. you'll be feeling better, soon.:)

17-07-14, 21:23
Thankyou for replying again Deepthinker xx
I'm really struggling to let this go. I have become completely detached all week. I've barely left the house. I am so worried about these headaches, even though it happened 4 days ago. I'm so upset. I'll probably need you to go back to the doctors because I can't leave it. Even on websites I've visited (stupidly), it says its rare for someone to have an injury and it cause major problems later. It's usually within the first few hours if anything. And the doctor said it was 'very unlikely'. But the element of doubt is there. She shone a light in my eyes and looked into them with some sort of magnifier.
I'm finding this one very hard :( I've just recently had my last session with the psychologist as well so I won't have her to discuss it with. I don't know what to do.

17-07-14, 21:30
LF87, so sorry you are still struggling to let it go. do you have any med you could take for anxiety during this time? maybe just something you could take for a week until you've assured yourself that all is well. :)

17-07-14, 21:47
I've got diazepam or whatever it's called, but I've never taken them before so a bit scared to. Sorry to keep going on! I'm just so panicked.
My boyfriend keeps telling me he gets hit in the head all the time playing rugby and says hes fine. Should I just be thinking of it as a bump on the head? I've made it into this huge thing.

18-07-14, 16:46
Don't be afraid to take the diazepam. It will do wonders for calming you down. I also think it would be great to think of it as just a sore head bump. The fact that it is sore is a great sign. It means that healing is taking place in the right place. No need to worry about an internal injury. You are fine, my friend! Hope you have a great day and let us know how it goes. :hugs:

27-10-14, 14:47
Hey there...

Similar story for me. Wondered how this resolved?