View Full Version : The threads that go unanswered..

13-07-14, 22:41
When doing the search function I realized how many people's questions about their health that go unanswered and it kind of freaked me out. Threads that are years old.

It makes me wonder what happened to them or if theyre okay or not.

This actually gave me a little anxiety thinking about it..

but I like to think maybe they just read other threads that have similiar responses/symptoms and their health issues was just anxiety like mine.

13-07-14, 22:57
I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's probably a good thing if people go to their Dr's rather than look online for medical help lol.
When I see people who are going through a low period mood wise or in need of a positive boost that don't have any replies I feel worried but I haven't seen that too often.

14-07-14, 00:26
I do the same thing. I try to respond to those!

14-07-14, 01:22
If I ever don't get a response, I repost until I do get a response!

14-07-14, 07:45
I get angry when I reply to a post and I've taken a long time to think of the right things to say and given advice and the thread just dies. Not even a simple thank you.

Simple manners is all that's needed

14-07-14, 14:23
Some threads that aren't answered are just things people have brought up again and again, even though they've had answers before. Better no answers than people telling them to stop reposting!

14-07-14, 14:42
Yeah, there is so much info on this site that a quick search will help you find tons of info on whatever you are going through. I try to answer those that jump out at me because I would literally be on here all day if I answered every unanswered post I came across.:)

15-07-14, 06:48
Yea I posted 2 days ago and nothing. Oh well.

15-07-14, 08:44
Aah I've never taken celexa or propranolol. :) Try putting it in the celexa and propranolol forums. There may well be people checking those boards regularly who take both of those.

15-07-14, 11:48
I only respond to threads that I feel able to respond to. Unfortunately I don't like giving the 'I know, it's horrible, isn't it' BS and would rather offer something useful or, if I can't, nothing at all. I also do not want to give out advice that I'm not sure of and could make somebody worse, I would rather let others take over with their own experiences and advice.

There are many other reasons why I don't respond but I do take consideration for posts with little to no replies.

Catherine S
15-07-14, 12:55
Yea I posted 2 days ago and nothing. Oh well.

You posted the same thread twice a few days ago snowbear about drug interaction? I answered on one while some others answered on the other so you weren't ignored on that subject at least, or do you mean a different thread?


15-07-14, 16:25
I post looking for reassurance - I know I shouldn't as we all suffer but it makes me feel better - not sure why!