View Full Version : The True meaning of Christmas

Sue K with 5
17-12-06, 16:27
Today was a huge test for me. I have not been able to have too many people in my house over the last few years the odd friend and maybe the odd family member, but last week I decided to do the family thing.

I had spent an entire week anxious about how I would cope with my mum my dad his gf my mother in law all the children my son and his gf and mt grandaughter and cooking a christmas dinner for them.

Well today was truly amazing, god I was so anxious I nearly cancelled at 9am this morning, but I stuck it out, i cooked the dinner, i managed to fight the ANXIETY and the urge to PANIC and i spent time with my wonderful grand daughter whilst sitting with her great grand parents and realised that christmas was about family.

I have had a terrible year with one of my children and am truly heart broken about not having any contact with him but I realised today I have other children and this wonderful little girl who makes my heart melt when I see her.

I had a great day, I survived and I saw what christmas was really about.

CHILDREN !!!! Anxiety might get us 364 days of the year but I will be damned if I am going to let it ruin that one special day of the year so whether you have children or not dont give in to it on that one special day.

Hugs and a merry christmas to you all I know it will be hard but we are not alone in this




17-12-06, 16:30
Hi Sue,

I am so very happy for you that you had such a nice day with your family. I do hope that you and your son will one day repair the rift between you two and will once again be whole. I know that day will one day happen, until then continue to enjoy what you do have.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

17-12-06, 16:36
[:I][:I]now you gone and made me cry :( I'll swear at you later

Sue WTG you are doing grand, very very well done xx

love Sax xx[8D]

miss diagnosis
17-12-06, 16:42
your so right. I dont want to pass my anxierty on to my little boy so big efforts made for him.

merry xmas to u

17-12-06, 16:45
Glad things went well for you.

Well done for toughing it out and getting people together.

Looks like you passed your test!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-12-06, 16:51
I find it a bit hard too, having too many people at once in the house, so I understand what you mean.

Glad it went well and that you have proved to yourself you can do it and survive it. :)


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-12-06, 18:31
Woo Woo Sue,

I got a bit confused with the family tree:), but I know how much this must have meant to you.

I am really pleased you managed a great day with your family. I'm impressed with how you recognise that you have to adjust your priorities in order to maximise your love for your family.

No doubt will chat later, once you have done the washing up!!:D

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Sue K with 5
18-12-06, 02:55
Aww thank you for the replies

It was hard but I did have a good time and I felt so confident as well for the first time in ages.

Iain if you think thats confusing wait until I draw you a piccie its like the Adams Family




18-12-06, 03:58
Well done sue told you could do it babe, im so glad you stuck it out. You know the christmas im having so you can pass on some of that strengh to me. Cos it gonna be tough this year.

Well done sue proper proud of ya girl.



18-12-06, 08:58
Well Done Sue. xx

Take Care
