View Full Version : Plastic surgery wrong or right?

14-07-14, 05:04
I have very low self esteem and I feel like I need plastic surgery.
I know I don't need it to live, but the way I look really does effect my happiness. I've found a procedure I want for £5000 which though way out of my price range, is something I could save for.

I know a lot of people see it as a taboo thing, but I think it's harmless as long as I don't get into debt for it. It's not a dramatic procedure, just a bit of improvement on my body. As much as I hate how I look, I'm too scared to get anything really dramatic done on my face or anything, just in case it backfires and I look worse. I don't really know if it's a "healthy" way to deal with my problems though.

I' love to hear what people think, good or bad, I just need another perspective, I need to be sure it's what I want before I tell my family.

14-07-14, 09:01
I would think long and hard about going anywhere near the plastic surgery route. So much emphasis these days is on looks-it is so sad that people feel pressurised to "improve" their appearance and approach dubious cosmetic surgeons who are keen to extract as much money as possible from your bank account and for what end?

Do you think that you will feel better if you have this potential enhancement surgery? You may do temporarily but long term I doubt it.

Just my views and it is obviously your decision at the end of the day.

14-07-14, 12:25
So many angles and views on this; I suppose you can say that there is no wrong or right, but I'd have to agree with pulisa, that I think it's not a great option for you (sorry to flippantly say that, as though I know the ins and outs of your life, which I clearly don't).

I know that with mental health problems, it is very easy to place all the blame on one particular thing, and for a lot of people this will be something physical (i've done it myself), and then think the cure to all their problems is to overcome that one obstacle - i.e. if I could be slimmer I wouldn't have any problems... If my nose was smaller... If I didn't have glasses... If I could have bigger boobs etc. etc. But in reality, there is no miracle fix for your problems - it has to be repaired within you, rather than superficially. Sure, it may make you temporarily more confident, but it doesn't solve anything in the long run and you will find that you end up back at square one, except with your bank account empty.

There is too much pressure placed on looks and appearance these days - it's an impossible thing to achieve and it really doesn't matter... If anyone judges you for how you look, then they are not worth giving a second thought to. Nobody is perfect and in reality looking a certain way isn't going to make you a better person, or happier in life.

Only my two pennies worth - I think its something you need to consider long and hard. Remember - we all love you for you... Not because you look a certain way :) x

14-07-14, 12:51
For me it would depend on what specifically the plastic surgery would be and why.

14-07-14, 15:20
It might sound silly but you can get the fat removed from one part of your body and put into another. I know it sounds dramatic but its a key hole surgery that's brief, doesn't involve a general anesthetic, the effects are permanent and don't involve injecting your body with any harmful chemicals or anything foreign. It's designed to enhance and firm rather than dramatically alter your body. To some people it might sound extreme but to me it sounds great.

Anxiety DJ: I don't have that issue specifically. I'm not deluded about it, I don't believe it will fix my life or my problems but it will make me feel better about my body. I dabble in clothes design and if I could look good in my designs it would bring me a lot of happiness, it wouldn't fix my head but it would give me something to feel proud of in the place of something I currently feel embarrassed by. I used to enjoy dressing in nice clothes and now I feel like a poo in a wig lol.

But I agree that it's what's on the inside that counts and perhaps my priorities need to change. Or perhaps my priorities are just a little vain and that's who I am. Haha I don't know what to think! Thank you for the concern though guys :) that's something I'll definitely keep in mind. Even though I'm not deluded I'm aware that if I didn't have anxiety I might not want surgery so much.

My big issue is my face but I'm not going to get surgery there, because I think that would be a mistake, so I think that shows I'm being serious about it and thinking it through.

14-07-14, 15:29
That doesn't sound too extreme. If you have the resources and feel it would make you happy and you've been thinking about it for a long time then why not.

I think if something bothers you for a significant amount of time then it's persistent and maybe there's something to it.

Stay away from that lip thing. I've never seen one go right. Everybody I've seen with it done looks worse.

I think it's a bit like a tattoo for me. I've had times where I've wanted a tattoo and felt strongly about it. But if you wait and ask yourself next month or even next year and see is it persistent the answers always no. As a result I've never committed to a tattoo.
But if it was persistent and I was sure month after month, year after year, to me, it's passed the test and I'd allow myself to get it.

14-07-14, 16:16
Yeah I wanted my lips done but I read up about it and it's really bad for you - who knew that pumping your face full of weird chemicals would be bad for you!? Lol. I don't want to do anything that involves chemicals or implants.

Haha I'd love to get tattoos. Pretty ones ^.^. My boyfriends arms are completely covered in tattoos, he's got no skin showing anymore, he doesn't regret it at all. I think he wouldn't get it done again necessarily but it's just part of who he is now.

14-07-14, 17:55
HalfJack I realise that you have sensibly thought about this procedure and what it entails but 5 grand is a hell of a lot of money for a young person to shell out on something which offers no promises or guarantees. What if you're not happy with the end product? You're going to be stuck with it.

I know this sounds boring and of course I'm not aware of your personal circumstances but I would advise you to shop around if you decide to opt for the procedure. There are so many shark clinics out there which just want to relieve you of your cash and will wash their hands of you should you need post-procedure advice/care.

Wishing you all the best

14-07-14, 22:27
Thanks Paulisa, From what I've read the procedure has a very high success rate and unlike other surgeries is easier on the body, looks natural and doesn't involve implants. I'll definitely shop around for a good surgeon.
It is a lot of money to spend on something essentially unimportant, I guess if I had £5000 in my hand now I'd probably rather give it to charity or buy a car than boost my bust, but I dunno, I don't do much for myself so I think I deserve it. Maybe I should just join a gym and give up the dream of not being flat chested :P