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View Full Version : But if a panic-breath catching

14-07-14, 09:55
Bit of a panic on!!

Basically I hyperventilate all day, every day and it's exhausting. But my new symptom is an involuntary breath which is quite hard to describe. It comes out of nowhere a few times a day without warning, almost like a hiccup but catches that one breath so it's like a double one. Is this me still gasping for air, in between all the yawning etc, or something more sinister. I know I breathe wrong?!?, with my chest and not my stomach and always involuntarily tense. Just about at the end if my tether; if it's not one thing it's another.

Just wanted to know if anyone else gets this? Quite frightened and had enough if doctirs who now out everything I have down to anxiety so don't really trust them anymore; I am sure if my head fell off it would still be anxiety related!! Lol

Thank you in advance; just some words of wisdom please.

14-07-14, 16:39
Hi Rara,yep its our great friend anxiety again.I had this so bad I convinced myself I was having a heart attack,off to my lovely understanding G.P who told me quite confidently that its stress related.I became so tense with the way I was breathing I had pain in my neck,shoulders and back.went for a weeks holiday with the family and it all went away.When I have this and cant catch my breath I tend to yawn a lot.Hope youre feelinh better soon x