View Full Version : No appetite when anxious. Help! Getting too thin. :(

14-07-14, 10:09
I was a slim girl to begin with but when anxious situations arise, I just lose my appetite completely and even more weight falls off. I'm starting to look pale and ill because my agoraphobia got worse recently so whenever I'm outside (which is a lot this summer), I cannot eat without being sick. I need tips on how to get an appetite or what foods to eat that can boost my energy and make me put on weight without too much effort of shovelling loads of food down.

14-07-14, 12:15
Hi there, sorry to hear that you are struggling right now. I can't speak from personal experience re: eating problems, but have you consulted your gp about this? Perhaps they can advise, or put you in touch with some kind of health nutritionist. A family member had a similar problem a while back and was prescribed a lot of specialised shakes / drinks / jellies etc. that packed a whole lot of essentials that the body needs, but were only a small amount of liquid / food to consume. Obviously, I can't say if this would work for you - best thing to do is consult a medical professional asap.

Good luck, hope you can start to feel better soon :)

15-07-14, 07:13
I feel your pain! I'm going through a similar thing right now and look very emaciated and unhealthy. What I recommend is the BRAT diet. I can always eat this, no matter if I'm not feeling well. Bananas, Rice, Apples/Applesauce, and Toast. These foods are gentle on the stomach and should be easy to get down. I also like pasta with sauce to the side (I can put as much or little as I want on it) and it helps keep my blood sugar up. I also like chicken noodle soup. Ice cream is helpful as well. But I wouldn't stay on this diet for too long cause it is lacking in a lot of nutrients.

Other than that, I would try fruit smoothies/milkshakes. Drinks might be easier to get down than food. I would also consult a doctor and see their opinion. Hope this helps!

15-07-14, 11:50
I tend to go for milkshakes when my appetite is shot and eat food that I have an appetite for. I do try to be conscious and go for healthier options, but if I only have an appetite for chocolate then I will eat chocolate than nothing at all.

15-07-14, 12:26
Yes, I have banana's, smoothies (shop bought if I can't make them if I don't feel well enough), soups, milky drinks, when I can't eat due to anxiety; and try and take vitamins too. Rachel's BRAT diet sounds good.

One simple healthy green smoothie receipe - spinach for vits and minerals, banana, some water and some grated ginger if you like ginger - whizzed up. Looks like green gunk, but tastes nice because banana makes it sweet. You can add ground flax seeds too for protein.

17-07-14, 12:33
Hey folks. The BRAT diet does sound very good for short term, thank you! :) And milkshakes and smoothies are less likely to make me feel queasy as I'm not chewing. Thank you all for your advice.
I try to take vitamins daily which has kept my skin and hair in good condition but I really hate losing my appetite... Especially since my friends love taking me out to restaurants. Nothing worse than only being able to pick at food which you know should be delicious! I hate anxiety!!