View Full Version : diagnosed with migraine, any help out there?

14-07-14, 13:52
hi everyone,
I am 41 years old and have just been diagnosed with having migraines. It started last Wednesday when I was sitting in the sun I got a feeling of pins and needles come over the top of the left side of my head and a tingle in my left cheek. Obviously I panicked and thought I was having a stroke. I told the nurse when I went for my blood test that afternoon and she thought it could be a migraine. I went to the drs on friday and it was confirmed it's definitely a migraine. He prescribed me Ibuprofen. I came away feeling relived but still feling groggy and sick. Saturday I felt 95% ok and sat in the garden all day in the sun, by 6pm I felt sick and the tingle had covered the whole of my left side of my face. Again, I panicked, all the what ifs etc started running through my mind. I done a stupid thing and googled my symptoms I totaly freaked myself out. I decided to go and lie down and try and stop panicing. I was fine. Sunday morning I was tired and stayed in bed. Got up between 3pm and 9pm went back to bed and had a lovely sleep. This morning I got up and had a slight tingle in cheek again and tingles in my fingers. I feel sick, my head feels full of concrete and I'm full of panic again, I'm going to my Dr's at 2.50pm today.
please can anyone help me, I'm frightened and need some advice on migraines

Catherine S
14-07-14, 14:01
You don't say if you had this kind of headache before last Wednesday, but if not then its obviously connected to lying in the sun for so long. Migraines can start up at any age really and often can be hormone related in women....sitting in the sun could be all it took to trigger yours. Google gives you worst case as well as non-serious reasons but being anxious we home in on the worst case. Hopefully the doctor will be able to reassure you in a little while.


14-07-14, 14:04
no I didn't have this kind of head ache before Wednesday. Thank you for replying.

14-07-14, 15:16
Hello! I'm sorry you have been diagnosed with migraines. They are absolutely horrible aren't they? I've had migraines since I went through puberty around 13 years old. I know when a migraine is coming because I get a temporary blind spot and then I see tunnel vision for about 10 minutes. Then, if I don't take meds, I get a full blown headache.

To me, migraines are TERRIFYING. They have been the trigger of many panic attacks. I constantly wonder if I am going to get one and if I get a sun spot in my eye I start to freak out because I think it's a migraine coming on.

The great thing to remember is migraine WILL NOT KILL YOU. Yes, they may be scary and yes they are insanely painful, but you will not die from a migraine. I try to use my aura as my advantage. If I take meds right when the aura is happening, I won't get a migraine -- which is pretty lucky from what I hear. Does your mother or father get migraines? I've heard they are hereditary and my father used to get them when he was younger.

If you are really scared, voice your concerns to your physician and they may order a scan. Especially if you are getting them once a week (that's quite frequent but not unheard of at all!). It's most likely hormones and just another lovely character builder for us :).

Good luck!