View Full Version : Here comes the wait ......

14-07-14, 17:00
Hey Everyone,
If you have had the chance to read my previous post you will know how worried i have been about HIV AND STI infections,its where my health anxiety seems to be focused right now and i realize im going through lots of emotional turmoil right now :(
I summoned up the courage to go to the clinic this morning,the doctor was ok but not the nicest,probably because i sound ridiculous in my concerns :(( The nurse was lovely but as we were chatting i thought what if im distracting her and she doesn't take the swabs correctly or mixes my clinic number up and i get the wrong results (big fear that one)
Anyway she couldn't get blood and it spurted everywhere but then she got a tiny bit but i panicked inside thinking it wasn't enough,luckily she got another nurse to take another sample.Then the label with my DOB had rubbed off so they were getting other labels and i kept trying to check the label was correct with the right number,but it was hard, so now im stressing over that.
The swab was seriously painful,the most painful ive had i think for a long time,maybe because the muscles are so tense :((
Now i have to wait a week to receive a text with results,im soooooooo scared, i even worry they have the right number,you either get a text saying all your results are negative or you need to ring the clinic,if i get the latter i think ill die ;(((((((( Any thoughts would be so appreciated i cant tell you xxxxxxxxx :noangel:

14-07-14, 18:15
awww I sympathise,that agonising wait.Im sure you'll be fine.As us with health anxiety should know,we doubt everyone.I was once convinced a sonographer told me everything looked fine because she felt sorry for me and couldn't face telling me the truth.I have so far diagnosed myself with breast cancer,lymphoma,throat cancer,MS,heart attack,lou gehrigs disease,skin cancer,and at the moment its bowel cancer.I have never been proved right,thank God.But I always doubt whatever the professionals tell me,thats part of the illness.Please don't stress about them doing the job right.You will get the right results and you'll be fine.Have you ever noticed its much easier to be rational when its someone else?,let us know how you go on xx

14-07-14, 18:40
Thankyou so much for the reply hun,i really hope so :) I literally was doing ok and then i just had the feeling of dread in my tummy and i know ill be checking my phone all week in fear they text saying ring the clinic,i actually feel terrified :(
I'm so sorry you are going through a hard time babe,its like being stuck on a wheel and you cant get off.I hate when people think its for attention because it so isn't,if they knew the way we torture ourselves on our own with no ones eyes upon us.
I can be so rationale with others hun and say the right things and believe it but with me its complete anxiety L( xxxx

14-07-14, 21:17
Serendipity,yep I know exactly what you mean,people thinking its for attention.I hate having this health anxiety and don't ask for symptoms to appear,but that's how human bodies work,they do have the odd niggle ache and pain.Its got so bad now when I go to see the doctor I don't tell my O.H anymore,cos im always asking for reassurance and worrying him.Take care and keep your chin up,we'll be fine xxx