View Full Version : What's your HA trigger? Trigger confusion!

14-07-14, 17:07
I think I’ve discovered that work is my trigger – it’s new job and as soon as I feel out-of-place or stressed about something work-related my mind moves onto HA.

For example, I had renal and abdo scans on Wednesday which obviously covered my sides and ribs but now I can feel them hurting again and wanting to Google despite the fact the radiographer telling me things looked fine.

I have a lump/enlarged gland under my arm which I swear I thought was going down over the weekend but since I felt as though I’d said something wrong at work earlier which upset me it feels enormous again!

It’s a new job which I started three weeks before HA kicked in – and in those three weeks I was doing exams which I was stressed about, worried I was pregnant and worried over a drunken argument with a friend until I was diagnosed with a UTI and then began several trips to the docs, a&e and walk-ins convinced I was really ill.

I have a docs appointment a week today to get the results of blood tests, samples and scans – I don’t feel ill in myself and feel especially fine on weekends when I’m not faced with work so if these results come back clear I know I’ll have to face up to my fear concerns which seem to be me not settling into my new job.

I just wondered if anyone else has triggers which don’t relate to health in the slightest? And why this is?

I don’t feel I can leave my job after such a short time – my boss seems to think I’m doing really well and it’s not unbearable, I just loved my last job and the people so feel out of place/out of my comfort zone here.

Any advice/shared experiences would be really helpful!!