View Full Version : full of anxiety not coping good

help me 21
14-07-14, 19:55
my lifes just been turned up side down, had a still birth on the 7th of july at 26weeks my anxiety is sky high iv got loads of nasty symtoms which i carnt deal with its scarying me. can anyone relate to these symtoms depersonalization blurred vision back pain chest feels tight and consent pain in my heart

14-07-14, 20:17
I am so sorry for your loss!!! :( You will be in my prayers!

14-07-14, 20:48
So very sorry for your loss, helpme21. Hugs and prayers for you! I think anxiety after losing a child is normal. You might even need grief counseling and/or meds to help you through this difficult time. When my brother died from colon cancer at the age of 33, my mom mentioned a few times that she felt like she was losing her mind. That was 13 years ago and she never did lose her mind and is doing very well today. You are going to be okay, but it will probably be a while until you feel okay.

Warm regards,

Female healthanxiety
14-07-14, 20:50
I am really sorry to hear of your news.

I went through something similar last year and it's a massive shock to your system, both mentally and physically.

You still have all of the hormones floating about which is contributing to how you feel.

The main thing is you take one day at a time.

Some people react in different ways, like many of us on here, a little bit of stress or upset and anxiety flares.

What you going through is a mixture of emotions, stress, upset, shock, and you are bound to feel like this, so don't he hate ok yourself. Things will get better for you.

Derationalization - yes very common your brain is on overdrive, nothing to worry about it will go as your stress levels go down.

The chest feelings is all anxiety, but please don't worry it's because of what's just happened.

Am here if you need to talk, PM me anytime.

Try looking after yourself, resting, eating, doing things indoors to relax


14-07-14, 21:04
Hello, I am so sorry too hear what you have been through.I went through some what the same at 28 weeks.I went into what I called the dark hole for 6 months.It was horrid.Please believe me as I have been there one day you will find a way too look at it better.Right now its very raw.I am here is you need to chat or vent!
Find a way to smile and do not feel any guilt as I know you are asking yourself,what did I do wrong.
Xo val