View Full Version : breaking the fear

17-12-06, 18:34

How do you break out of the fear cycle? I've been unemployed for nearly five months there are jobs i could apply for but the fear of starting a new job and possibly hating it is crippling. I'll be getting together with friends and family for xmas and i know they will be asking if i'm working which i dread and my family just think i don't want to work.
I really have no idea where this has come from and can't see anyway to stop it. Hope you can help.


17-12-06, 19:15
Hi Jane,welcome to no panic.I would be honest with your friends and family and say you have an anxiety and panic problem,this is why you are unable to work at the moment.You will find lots of support on here,and ways to help you cope with your problems.;)

Ellen XX

Granny Primark
17-12-06, 19:31
Hi jane,
Welcome to nmp.
I cant work at the moment cus of anxiety and panic disorder.
I see people look at me and wonder if theyre thinking she doesnt look ill so whys she not working.
But theres no way im going to let that get to me and i hope you do the same.

Take care

18-12-06, 11:41
Thank you Lynn and Ellen for your advice,it's nice to feel someone is on your side.


18-12-06, 16:23
hi there
Im signed off at the mo as cant work...its hard as people dont understand xxx

18-12-06, 16:36
Hi Jane,

Unfortunately, the only way to break out of the fear cycle is to just get out there and give things a go!

With regards to working, have a go at at least getting an interview. By saying that you are fearful of starting a new job and possibly hating it, you are giving yourself negative talk, therefore not giving yourself a chance.

Instead of saying you could possibly hate it, say to yourself that you could possibly love it, thus turning a negative into a positive.

If you are lucky enough to land yourself a job, give it a go. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you never challenge yourself you will never know what you are capable of :D

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"