View Full Version : Feels like im losing my mind!!!!

Miss worry
14-07-14, 21:37
Hello everyone im new here and I would like to unload if thats ok! I find it hard to put into words but here goes........This all started 7 months ago I found a breast lump and I immediately panicked. My gp didnt like the feel of it so I hsd to go to the breast clinic but had a 4 week wait. In that time I had myself dead and buried I was dreading telling my boys. I just couldnt think positive. The level of stress was through the roof and even after I got the all clear "thank god" I couldnt accept it. I thought they had made a mistake and phoned the clinic several times for reassurance.A couple of weeks later I started getting strange tingling sensations that would appear in random places for instance a tingle on my nose for couple days then my finger and so on. Of course I consulted dr google and now im convinced I have ms! Lately I have started getting slight twitches all over and my back aches. Sorry for this long rant but I wondered if anyone else has experienced this and if you think all the stress could have caused these symptoms. Im at my wits end please help me

14-07-14, 23:03
Hi, I have been having irregular bleeding between periods and although my gp says it's nothing to worry about but I have an appointment at the hospital on Monday and I'm terrified they are either going to tell me I've got cervical cancer or miss something and give me the all clear. I can't think about anything else and I keep crying at the kids because I feel like I might not get to see them grow up! I know I'm going over the top but I can't stop feeling like it. I know exactly how you feel honey and I don't think I will trust the doctors even if they say I'm ok :shrug:

14-07-14, 23:04
Hi there, welcome to the site. There are a lot of lovely people here who can empathise with what you are going through - check out the health anxiety forum.

Good luck and i hope you can find some comfort here :)

Miss worry
15-07-14, 00:51
Thank you for the replies. I will check out health anxiety as I know thats the problem. Lucys mum I really hope everything goes ok for you on monday I honestly know how ur feeling and its awful. Its the last thing you think of at night and first thing u think in morning and its exhausting. I was so scared and noone understood how I felt. Everyone thought I sbould be celebrating when I got all clear but I just didnt feel like that. I couldnt accept it. I eventually did accept there was no breast cancer but only because I replaced one obsession with another. Please dont go down same route as me. I wish you all the best :hugs:

15-07-14, 00:53
Welcome Miss Worry and Lucy's Mum9,
The symptoms you are describing sound like Anxiety to me, had all of those myself. The Anxieties can then grow in to Health Anxiety. Because we have no valid explanation for these symptoms, we then think we have some terrible disease. Accompanied with searching on Google for our symptoms, reading various books on diagnosing your health and forever checking our bodies for lumps, marks, clots and anything else we can think of. Then the Anxiety Symptom get worse and keep throwing out new symptoms and it becomes a vicious circle.
What you have to do is believe your Doctor when he has given you the OK. The Mind has to start relaxing, because it is the Mind that is causing all the Anxiety symptoms. Even if their is a slither of thinking, 'He may have missed something', you still have to believe the results you are told otherwise the Anxiety symptoms will not go away. When you have calmed the Mind, then you can judge whether you still feel ill.
I am saying this, because that was me 4 months ago and now I have accepted that I am well and most of the Symptoms have gone. I only get them when I am stressed or have pushed myself too much. Normally, illness and death triggers off Health Anxiety, it is more common than you realize. We suddenly go in to panic mode and the Mind goes in to overdrive. If you have had the all clear, you must try and get back to normality as much as you can, it will help you improve your Anxieties much quicker. Keep the Mind active with other things and you will be ok. Hope this helps.:)

Miss worry
15-07-14, 01:19
Hi carnation thank you so much for your reply im so glad I have found this site. I am going to keep using this and stop using Google! I know I have to stop this but it is so hard. I keep trying to tell myself im fine but the dreaded anxiety takes over and its a vicious circle :mad:. I just hope I get there like u have. I feel so stupid at times but can't help myself. I wish more people understood what this is like

15-07-14, 01:30
It is not easy when you have been in a position where you thought you were going to Die. It certainly wakes you up to reality. I was in a Car crash and I thought I had died. I was also surrounded by ill people and people dying, so I was really bad with Health Anxiety. But, you can overcome this and as you know, Life is precious, it shouldn't be wasted. You must try and live Life as normally as possible and there will come a time when you think to yourself. 'Oh, I am ok, I haven't had any symptoms today or all week, it is all in my Mind!'. You've been through a shock and you will get better.:)