View Full Version : Advice anyone pls UK

always worried
14-07-14, 22:53
Hi all,

Not posted before but have a long history of HA and in April this year I went to get symptoms of piles looked at by a colorectal surgeon who advised he had removed a benign polyp. I was told to come back to have the piles banded but when I arrived was not on the operating list.

Was told it wad a rare neuroendochrine tumour but 'not cancer'. The histology was analysed by other specialists who said it was fully removed and of no major concern but my HA has ramped up.

People around me tell me to think positively but I am dwelling on it and that they may have missed something? They say no need for scans but I have various aches and pains in the tailbone and hips etc.

Just dont want to be another sad story of what develops into a cancer story but also only a fit 37 yr old male with a lovely family.

Can anyone help with my thoughts pls?

14-07-14, 23:10
i think you've pretty much answered this one yourself several highly trained histopathologists have looked at it so it is very safe and there is completely nothing to worry about.

always worried
14-07-14, 23:14
Thanks for the reply Aaron appreciate it. I have CBT planned but I am very analytical and worry myself silly over it thinking they may not fully know what will happen.

I have a follow up end of July. Just wish I could turn off the worry switch as I wake up feeling doom every morning. HA is such a nasty thing to have isnt it?

14-07-14, 23:20
Moles are considered benign tumors. The vast majority of tumors are not cancer.

14-07-14, 23:48
Thanks for the reply Aaron appreciate it. I have CBT planned but I am very analytical and worry myself silly over it thinking they may not fully know what will happen.

I have a follow up end of July. Just wish I could turn off the worry switch as I wake up feeling doom every morning. HA is such a nasty thing to have isnt it?

Really is nasty I start CBT tomorrow morning should help hopefully

always worried
15-07-14, 20:25
Appreciate your comments thank you. Problem is although I am physically fit and exercise a lot I am getting a lot of pain in my tailbone, rectum and bladder - can that truly be anxiety linked as it is there even tho I am not noticeably anxious??

I am worries that the tumour has grown through the wall of the rectum where it cannot be seen. The docs say no need for scans but I am fearful they are wrong. Why would I have a dull ache and shooting pains otherwise??

Sorry but am I being a hypo?


always worried
11-09-14, 21:11
Hi all. I have had piles and a further polyp removed last month and all was going very well but now getting bloody stools again.

I saw the specialist who explained I have minor mucosal prolapse and to not worry about the blood at all. He said he is not even 1 percent worried about that.

Trouble is I keep having a dull ache like a cut inside the rectum and also tailbone pain.

Really thought I was on top of the HA then bang. Blood and pain.

Can anyone offer any comfort or advice on staying positive please as I am getting sucked down again :(((

11-09-14, 21:21
I hesitate to write this because I don't want to trigger you, but maybe it will help. My mom had neuroendocrine carcinoma that was actually cancerous. I'll leave out the details, but they knew RIGHT away when they first saw it that it was cancerous. They did not beat around the bush with it at all. They knew even before the biopsy was done.

Your doctor knows what it is and removed it, and it was tested by histologists, so I am sure you have nothing to worry about.

always worried
11-09-14, 21:27
Thank you for your comments. They did say it was not cancer. Just shaken up by seeing blood again. I had been feeling great and then that hit me like a ton of bricks. So fed up and sad just now.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

Aaron how did your CBT go pls?

11-09-14, 22:03
Ahh I'm sorry to hear of your worrying. Believe you me we have all been where you are and really not trusting these specialists. At the end of the day Aaron, this is their job. They see thousands .. cancerous tumours and non cancerous tumours. You haven't got cancer.

always worried
12-09-14, 04:24
Thanks again.

Although my surgeon examined the area this week with a scope I have read that tumours can develop unseen outside the rectum wall which could cause backache which I do have!

I know I should trust him but I am scared and wonder if I should push for scan to rule this out?

12-09-14, 16:08
Blood is a trigger for many. Ive had it a freaked out as well. YOU ARE FINE... The docs gave you a great bill of health :) I know its scary but so many people do have polyps and 90% of tumors are non cancerous.

They can for sure tell the difference! My father had esophageal cancer and they new RIGHT away.

always worried
12-09-14, 20:53
Thank you all so much for your kind words and reassurance :)

always worried
14-09-14, 19:45
Hi just got one further question if anyone can help. I have had pain in my lower back and tailbone area plus rectal pain. Could this be anxiety or sciatica?

Bad move but I googled rectum pain and sciatica and went into a spin at the result.... :(((

Sorry to be specific but I have a lot of general soreness (skin) in that area. I am very clean and generally fit. Sorry ut any advice REALLY helps me.

---------- Post added at 19:45 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

And I also have a constant headache at the left rear which I googled to find it can be linked to the neuroendochrine system making me worried about links with the original tumour! Doc said the small tumour is definitely a one off find and there will not be other tumours anywhere. Sorry i know I shouldnt google :/

always worried
18-09-14, 00:03
Would really appreciate any kind words as woke up in pain just now feeling terrified I have rectal cancer.

Saw my GP today who has suggested amytriplyline? I have a gnawing pain in the tailbone area and rectum which is really scary.

Do you lovely ppl think I need to push for a scan?

Could really use some kind words. Tears rolling down my face as i type :((((((

18-09-14, 00:08
Whatever it was it's gone now, so why worry?

always worried
18-09-14, 00:11
Hi. Because I have such pain. It woke me up and is still there. I am worried there may be further tumours unseen causing the pain. :(

18-09-14, 00:16
But the previous thing they cut out wasn't at all cancerous so why are you worried about cancer now?

always worried
18-09-14, 00:21
I guess because I have HA and my mind tells me the pain must be due to cancer. My wife had a nightmare that I died in a car accident last night and was really shaken.

My mum also saw a medium who said someone young in her family would get very poorly.

Overactive mind I know but I am plagued by it.

Thank you btw for answering my cry for help x

How can I switch it all off?

---------- Post added at 00:21 ---------- Previous post was at 00:20 ----------

Sorry to clarify the medium was a long time ago btw.

18-09-14, 00:49
I think you need to trust your doctors. There are literally millions of causes of the sort of pain you describe, from the common and benign to the more exotic and serious (such as the stuff you're worrying about).

You'll no doubt have read on the internet about how difficult tumours can be to find. However the clinical conditions compatible with such a condition would need to be present for doctors to even bother looking. For example, in the context of my favourite worry, like cancer it has no blood test to rule in/out. So I was bemused as to why doctors were looking at my blood results and not scanning for this particular illness. It was explained to me that - similarly to cancer - whilst there is no blood test for it if it was present they would expect to see certain markers and other signs in my blood. These things aren't a test for this particular disease because the vast majority of people who have such markers wouldn't have this (or indeed any) disease, but in all of those who do have this disease they would be present. So clinically there's no point in sending me to the expensive scans for this disease whereas there would be for people with my symptoms in the presence of such markers, even though the vast majority would then test negative.

Dr. Google doesn't explain all this, however. She says there is no blood test for this disease, which is true but doesn't tell the full story at all.

I guess the point I'm making in that your doctors' decades of combined experience and schooling isn't replaceable with a search engine. If such things are present they'd see the signs clinically, which clearly they aren't. Bear in mind we live in a culture where if a patient was complaining about potential cancer symptoms and the doc gets it wrong that doctor's career is in serious trouble and has the potential to be sued for a seven-figure sum. If they thought there was the smallest possibility of what you fear you'd have been scanned half to death by now.

I hope you feel better soon; try not to worry. :)

always worried
18-09-14, 01:07
Thank you so very much for taking the time to help. You are an angel.

It is so difficult as you know when the adrenaline is flowing. I really hope this levels out.

You have been a great comfort thank you :)

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 00:55 ----------

Just on your blood test advice and comments. The specialist did not request any so I guess I should be reassured they are not neccessary than worried he either forgot or overlooked the need?

18-09-14, 07:57
Indeed. Usually the can see the ones you doctor ran as well. ;)

always worried
08-10-14, 09:39
Hi all.

Great reading comments on this forum for reassurance and weird how we can read other posts and think "oh bless them for worrying when they clearly are ok" yet our own situation seems to remain dire.

I had some great help and have been doing well apart from lower back and right buttock pain which feels like it radiates or comes from the rectum.

People have positively commented on my non cancerous small tumour removal as being 100 pc ok but why do I still get what feels like rectum pain? Anyone else get this please?

Fortunately I have bupa cover thru work but keep pestering the surgeon with follow ups. He doesnt seem concerned but said i have mucosal prolapse which may need further banding when I go for a follow up sigmoid in Nov to check the tumour site.

Awful isnt it HA.

Anyone ever get rectal pain or could that be HA?

always worried
14-10-14, 21:02
Hi all u caring people.

Really struggling at the moment with HA. Got a follow up sigmoidoscopy in Nov but having bad lower back ache and shooting pain which is terrifying me. Can that be causes by spasms does anyone know pls?

On top of that I keep getting painful gout in opposite ankles which feels like a shark gnawing on the bone

Only 38 and ready for the recycle bin. I love my family but I am so scared just now about rectal cancer.

Can anyone pls offer any reassurance even tho I know that is wrong?

Thank you :(

always worried
28-10-14, 17:30
Hi. Been having a bad time last few days with tailbonr and buttock pain plus rectal pain and urgency for the loo.

Anyone offer any advice as so scared this could be cancer :((((

Should i push for a scan even tho doc says no need?

always worried
18-01-15, 14:44
Got a follow up sigmoidoscopy on tuesday morning to make sure nothing there folliwing the operation in April last year.

Doc confident the benign small tumour was fully removed and I feel I can crack on being much less anxious if it is clear.

20mg citalopram helping a lot too.

Best wishes to you all.

18-01-15, 15:33
I read all your posts understand completely where you are coming from. The touble with HA is that aware of it or not your brain is always scanning for info, be it on google, other's conversation, TV, magazines. Your brain never switches off. It will find a snippet of info and somehow link it to your fear and confirm your own erroneous diagnosis. You have to believe the doctors - and I know how hard that is believe me. The previoous post was right about blood tests. they do not show cancer itself, However my gp explained it to me when I had a set done recently. She said SOMETHING would have been out of synch and warrant further investigation. It wouldn't have said what - and it may well not have been serious - but it would indicate further investigation was needed.

I have just had a colonoscopy after 10 weeks of chronic diarrhoea. The specialist said it was cler but they took biopsies for microscopic coloitis. I am finding it difficult to believe what the consultant said - even though he was such a nice guy who actually wrote on a piece of paper in capital letters - NORMAL NO CANCER. HA is a debilitating illness. It takes your enjoyment of life. keep trying to treat that and don't worry about the cancer that IS NOT THERE

always worried
18-01-15, 15:41
What a lovely reply Susie thank you.

I really hope you also get a handle on this awful affliction. x

28-01-15, 10:54
Hi all u caring people.

Really struggling at the moment with HA. Got a follow up sigmoidoscopy in Nov but having bad lower back ache and shooting pain which is terrifying me. Can that be causes by spasms does anyone know pls?

On top of that I keep getting painful gout in opposite ankles which feels like a shark gnawing on the bone

Only 38 and ready for the recycle bin. I love my family but I am so scared just now about rectal cancer.

Can anyone pls offer any reassurance even tho I know that is wrong?

Thank you :(

Don't lose hope yet. Go to a doctor and ask for remedies good for your condition. Or you can follow a low purine diet to get rid of the foods that has a high purine content. Healthy diet and lifestyle must be your practice. Okay? Be good and stay healthy! :D