View Full Version : Morning blues. I'm going mad.

15-07-14, 08:14
Hi Everyone, hope you're all well and coping this morning.
I just needed to post a message on here because I need somewhere to get it all out of my head and hope it makes me feel better, talking to others who understand so well.

This week I've felt like I'm going mad. It's ranged from feeling like I'm going crazy to thinking I've got some sort of brain detereoration (my memory loss is terrible this week - I feel like I can't even string a proper sentence together)

My HA has come back with such a bang, and my head feels a fuzzy mess.
All noises are excruciatingly loud, I don't want to interact with people (in person), I feel sick, light headed.

I keep feeling like I'm going crazy. I can't concentrate with other people around me, I find it hard to form sentences and sound coherent. My eyes can't focus on anything. I feel sick from worry. I keep jumping in my sleep.

Why does it feel so much like I'm going crazy? :weep:
When will it go :(

I keep trying to work out the trigger and wonder if it's added pressure at work making me feel like I wan't to explode. Do you ever get the feeling you need to do an uncontrollable scream? I'm feeling that now.

Any tips on battling these horrible feelings?

All this and we have to pretend to be "normal" infront of others like at work :( It's so so so so hard. How do others cope putting on a front?
I'm struggling this week.

LJ xx

15-07-14, 10:54
Hi your far from going mad and I can assure you they are common anxiety symptoms , all of them! Most importantly continue your routine ,keeping as you say looking normal for others is a good thing every bit of normality so to speak is a moment of relief ,routine is good xxrelax don't worry you are ok remember this too shall pass

15-07-14, 12:08
Thank you Julia, it's always lovely when someone offers you an ounce of comfort and support at your most needed time. Particularly someone who understands.
Sometimes, all you need is for someone to say - you are normal, these feelings you're having ARE normal.

It comes and goes in waves.

Thank you again xx

15-07-14, 12:24
That's a pleasure I really do understand , it's so scary ,I sometimes try and stand back and look at myself in different eyes so to speak,how can we be so scared of a feeling,realistically a feeling can't hurt you ,so I say to myself it's just a feeling ,I am fine ! Deep breathe move on ...it does help ,especially when my anxiety is feeling off balance and lighthead awful
Hugs to you xxq