View Full Version : Skin cancer worries

15-07-14, 13:39
Hi well I seem to have been coping quite well recently, but bang it's back.
I had a small red lump on my right shoulder many months ago but I really didn't take much notice as I did get a lot of acne on shoulders, but I've just noticed its still there. It doesn't appear any bigger and it doesn't hurt it just looks the same. I'm so scared now it's cancer and I didn't get it looked at all those months ago. I really don't know what to do I can feel the panic rising and I really don't want all these thoughts to come back!! xx

15-07-14, 13:42
Hey, we're not medical professionals so cannot advise on that side of things, but just remember that you have been able to cope with this in the past and you can therefore do it again - think back to how you got through it last time around and keep focusing on the positives.

With regards to your health worries, go and see your doctor if you are concerned - it won't help if you sit and let things stew in your head for days on end.

Good luck - hope you get through this :)

15-07-14, 15:24
Hi Ats, I have something similar on my back. The dr is going to remove it next Wednesday for my piece of mind but he isn't concerned at all. He thinks it could be something called sebhorrheic keratosis.

15-07-14, 18:09
If it hasn't changed at all,thats a good sign surely?.My big worry is skin cancer as in my 20's I abused sunbeds and was a total sunworshipper.I haven't used them in 8yrs and lather on the factor 50 now all the time.Im sure you're just fine xxx

15-07-14, 18:17
I'm not a doctor but cancer is an uncontrolled "growth" of abnormal cells. No change means no growth means no cancer means stop worrying :)

Positive thoughts

15-07-14, 20:08
Thank you for your replies, I've had a really tough few days, my husband was taken into hospital and I just think it's trigger this HA again!! xx