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View Full Version : worried about my little girl again

15-07-14, 15:54
I posted a few months back about my little girl vomiting before school and being really frightened about going to school. I was worried the vomiting was a brain tumour she had been checked by two or three different doctors and her peadrictian (she sees peadrictian once every six months because she has classic autism). No tests were preformed except for a basic exam and the said there was nothing wrong with her the vomiting was school anxiety well the vomiting stopped 3 months ago now. She seems to pick every bug going tonsillitis and ear infections , a bad urine infection where she had to have a ultrasound after. Always seems to have a cold every 2-3 weeks but for last 3-4 months she has woke a couple of times a week in the night crying and because she has a severe speech delay cant tell us why. So this makes me worry she has something serious again like a brain tumour and she is waking with headaches but she is fine ten to fifteen mins later only having a drink and a cuddle so surely if they were headaches they would last longer and she would not be calmed so quickly ? She does show pain sometimes she has a long term problem with constipation and she will sometimes hold her stomach and cry or when she had the ear infection she was constantly holding her ear and crying. So she can show pain sometimes she occasionally touches her head when playing but doesn't look hurt and my hubby says I cant panic every time she touches her head. I just get so worried something serious is going on with her and she cant tell me I have never told the doc my worries of a brain tumour because they know I have health anxiety and I think they will pass everything off as my anxiety. Generally she is happy and playful has no problems with energy she eats well she has behaviour issues but this is just the autism I think and anxiety that comes with it. I dont know whether to keep taking her to the docs for every little thing or just try and forget about it am so worried all the time constantly watching her for signs and symptoms I dont get to enjoy anything with her. She is five by the way dont think I mentioned her age.