View Full Version : Dentures

15-07-14, 16:53
I've had dental phobia all my life but had to go because my teeth are passed redemption I have to have a denture plate with 7teeth on I tried it for fit last week and I was horrified it looked great but I felt like I was choking and I couldn't talk proper , I'm having the last 2 front teeth removed on Monday ( only roots as I did have a bridge but due to crumbling roots couldn't keep) and I have the denture placed in straight away I'm at my Witt's end I'm even considering living my life without the teeth rather than not be able to talk and gagging ....... Does anyone have any denture advice for me ( honest advice) I would be more than grateful .

15-07-14, 23:08
Well, I can only comment on the time that I had a non-permanent brace made and fitted (i.e. a plate that went on the roof of my mouth with brace wires attached) and that freaked me out a lot at first... I couldnt talk and it felt so strange... I hated it (to say the least). Anyway, to cut a long story short, after a few days you learn to adapt and suddenly you forget you have the thing and stop worrying about it at all. I know it isn't exactly the same as what you are having, but i'm sure you'll be fine after a day or two :)

Good luck - let us know how it goes :)

16-07-14, 14:57
Hi, I've not worn dentures but I have worn retainers and braces for nearly 4 years, eventually you do get used to them. The first few days are annoying but it doesn't last long :)

After a few weeks I couldn't tell, not notice or not feel I was wearing them. I still have to wear my retainers every so often and when I do wear them, I cant even tell Im wearing them.

16-07-14, 17:05
Thank you for your posts :) , would love someone who's been through the whole denture thing just to tell me what they went through .