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15-07-14, 19:15
Good Evening,

I have recently returned to work after 4 months off with stress and sickness and its been a testing first week or so back.

However, today, I got a 'snottogram' from a colleague, who told me that she had agreed with me that I would not collect parcels from the front of house. I was then told I should pick up magazines.

To clarify, last week I got a telephone call from the front of house to tell me there was a parcel for our office but all I was told was that it had to go through our office, without any further explanation as to what the package was and the phone was put down abruptly afterward, without a goodbye and thank you etc.

If a courier went to the front of house with info about a parcel, you'd hope there was a name on the item and a blanket address and section - I mean, surely there should be more substantial communication between the front of house and the couriers to correctly establish the package involved and who needs to collect it? To just have a blanket address is insufficient because the package could be for anybody.

The person who sent the email is difficult anyway and I felt like I was being told off by a colleague who has nothing to do with our office. With the fact I am still unwell and not at 100% capacity and am still learning to find my feet after four months away, I was not best impressed.

Can anyone offer any advice because at the moment, I feel intimidated all the time when I go into work because I know its going to be stressful and petty, something which normally wouldn't bother me, but at the moment, its something I can do without and its not like I point blank refused to go out, all I said was we aren't going out for parcels, as I was instructed, yet the info on the parcel, I was led to believe, suggested the parcel had to come through our office, without further clarification.

Therefore, in future, I am just going to go out and look at parcels which are labelled with a blanket address, if there is any confusion, because with a blanket address and a lack of substantial communication, it makes my job all that more difficult.

Thoughts, anyone?

15-07-14, 19:46
Hi robinsky.

Does your employer have a occupational health provider if so ask for a referral or refer yourself , your employer has a duty of care to you.

If your company has some sort of counselling scheme in place use that too, or perhaps if you are able a chat to HR confidentially, you do not say if you have any trade union for support.?

I would say you may be feeling a little anxious too going back ands may be reading things into others behaviour a bit too much possibly.?

CBT thourgh your GP may also be possible and it often works quite well, the main thing is though do not bottle it up find someone to confide in your GP may also be able to arrange a short counselling session.

Hope the above helps or at least gives you a direction to head off into.
