View Full Version : New and stressed...

15-07-14, 20:12
Hiya guys.... I am new to this site as just found it today when things all come to a head and feel like I need some support, I was diagnosed with an Effected mood disorder about 10 years ago and was one every medication for the problem so all was fine for a very long time after trial and error of different meds but I was living withmy husband who mentally abused me and about 18 months ago I left him and realised it was him casing my problems so stopped taking the meds. All was absolutely fine but being a single mum is hard but I am coping well.

This where the new problem lies........

over the past three months I've had loads going on, selling the house, trying to find a new house. Moving my aon to a new school. Leaving my small town for the city to be closer to my new partner who I must admit, is a brilliant support but my anxiety over the past few months has got so bad and im now showing physical symptoms :'( ive get lots of headaches, my throat is red and sore and reacts to my anxiety and today it tightened so bad it felt awful. I also have everyday aches and pains. Like an idiot, ive search the net and now convinced myself I have some major illness.......

Has anyone else had the same symptoms.

16-07-14, 09:55
Hi P1pp1

:welcome: to the forum/site you find loads of support from friendly people and loads of info.
It sounds like the effects of anxiety but as we are not trained in meds it worth a visit to your doctor to get checked. They will would be the best people to ask.

16-07-14, 17:00
Thankyou for the Welcome.... well I had some bloods back today so all normal, im going to go back to the dr as I do think its definitely anxiety now. But I am really shocked but I know its possible, but my white blood count hit rock bottom and the dr said its totally normal. So all back to normal now but when the anxiety hits, blood count goes low again. Ihe body is weird :-/

16-07-14, 17:20
:hugs: hugs to you p1pp1 and so sorry for the difficult time you've gone through and now find yourself in. i can tell you that anxiety can cause every one of those symptoms and when we are already feeling weak and tired we are more susceptible to colds and other viruses. i'm glad you are getting checked out by your doc. you should be on the road to recovery very soon. you are right about the body being weird. it is also amazing, but so very complex. i have learned that stress and worry can cause many physical symptoms. you are not alone, though, and we are here to offer comfort and support. blessings!