View Full Version : Shaky and Jittery after cortisone injection

16-07-14, 04:11
Hi everyone,

Approx one week ago I had a cortisone injection in to my left shoulder as I have bursitas (sorry not sure of the spelling) in there.

Anyway, approx two days or so after I started noticing that I was getting a really shaky feeling in my legs and arms and feeling really really anxious. Racing heart etc. I am in menopause also so sometimes get these feelings and have suffered from severe anxiety for many many years. Onthe same day as I had the injection, I had to have an MRI on my neck area and to say I had a panic attack in there is to say the least :scared15:. I was in there for 15 mins and managed to complete the scans but it is not a thing I would like to experience again for a very long time.

Anyway, I just wondered if maybe it could have been the cortisone that has started this symptoms off or it is because I panicked in the MRI machine. Its now day 7 and its still happening on and off. I feel so jittery and that makes my anxiety even worse.

Any ideas, thanks guys

Luv Tracy